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Inherits from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithCurvature< T >, shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradN< T >, shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradients< T >, shapeworks::ImageDomain< T >, shapeworks::ParticleRegionDomain, shapeworks::ParticleDomain

Public Types

typedef ImageDomainWithCurvature< T > Superclass
typedef std::shared_ptr< ImplicitSurfaceDomain > Pointer
typedef Superclass::ImageType ImageType
typedef Superclass::PointType PointType

Public Functions

virtual void SetTolerance(const T _Tolerance)
virtual T GetTolerance()
virtual shapeworks::DomainType GetDomainType() const override
virtual bool ApplyConstraints(PointType & p, int idx, bool dbg =false) const override
PointType UpdateParticlePosition(const PointType & point, int idx, vnl_vector_fixed< double, DIMENSION > & update) const override
virtual PointType GetZeroCrossingPoint() const override
void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, itk::Indent indent) const
virtual ~ImplicitSurfaceDomain()

Additional inherited members

Public Types inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithCurvature< T >

typedef Superclass::VnlMatrixType VnlMatrixType

Public Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithCurvature< T >

void SetImage(ImageType * I, double narrow_band)
virtual double GetCurvature(const PointType & p, int idx) const override
virtual double GetSurfaceMeanCurvature() const override
virtual double GetSurfaceStdDevCurvature() const override

Protected Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithCurvature< T >

virtual ~ImageDomainWithCurvature()

Public Types inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradN< T >

typedef Superclass::GradNType GradNType
typedef Superclass::GradNType VnlMatrixType

Public Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradN< T >

void SetImage(ImageType * I, double narrow_band)
virtual GradNType SampleGradNAtPoint(const PointType & p, int idx) const override
virtual void DeletePartialDerivativeImages() override
virtual void DeleteImages() override

Protected Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradN< T >

virtual ~ImageDomainWithGradN()

Public Types inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradients< T >

typedef itk::FixedArray< T, DIMENSION > VectorType
typedef vnl_vector_fixed< T, DIMENSION > VnlVectorType

Public Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradients< T >

void SetImage(ImageType * I, double narrow_band)
virtual vnl_vector_fixed< float, DIMENSION > SampleGradientAtPoint(const PointType & p, int idx) const
virtual vnl_vector_fixed< float, DIMENSION > SampleNormalAtPoint(const PointType & p, int idx) const
vnl_vector_fixed< double, DIMENSION > ProjectVectorToSurfaceTangent(vnl_vector_fixed< double, DIMENSION > & gradE, const PointType & pos, int idx) const override
virtual void DeleteImages() override

Protected Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomainWithGradients< T >

virtual ~ImageDomainWithGradients()
openvdb::VectorGrid::Ptr GetVDBGradient()

Public Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomain< T >

void SetImage(ImageType * I, double narrow_band)
virtual double GetSurfaceArea() const override
PointType GetOrigin() const
ImageType::SizeType GetSize() const
ImageType::SpacingType GetSpacing() const
ImageType::RegionType::IndexType GetIndex() const
virtual PointType GetValidLocationNear(PointType p) const override
T Sample(const PointType & p) const
virtual double GetMaxDiameter() const override
virtual void DeleteImages() override
virtual void UpdateZeroCrossingPoint() override

Protected Functions inherited from shapeworks::ImageDomain< T >

openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr GetVDBImage() const
virtual ~ImageDomain()
openvdb::math::Transform::Ptr transform() const
openvdb::Vec3R ToVDBCoord(const PointType & p) const

Public Functions inherited from shapeworks::ParticleRegionDomain

virtual const PointType & GetUpperBound() const
virtual const PointType & GetLowerBound() const
void SetUpperBound(const PointType _UpperBound)
void SetLowerBound(const PointType _LowerBound)
void SetRegion(const PointType & lowerBound, const PointType & upperBound)

Protected Functions inherited from shapeworks::ParticleRegionDomain

virtual ~ParticleRegionDomain()
bool IsInsideBuffer(const PointType & p) const

Public Types inherited from shapeworks::ParticleDomain

using vnl_matrix_fixed< float, 3, 3 > GradNType
using vnl_vector_fixed< double, 3 > VectorDoubleType
using vnl_vector_fixed< float, 3 > VectorFloatType

Public Functions inherited from shapeworks::ParticleDomain

virtual void InvalidateParticlePosition(int idx) const
virtual VectorDoubleType ProjectVectorToSurfaceTangent(VectorDoubleType & gradE, const PointType & pos, int idx) const =0
virtual VectorFloatType SampleGradientAtPoint(const PointType & point, int idx) const =0
virtual VectorFloatType SampleNormalAtPoint(const PointType & point, int idx) const =0
virtual GradNType SampleGradNAtPoint(const PointType & p, int idx) const =0
virtual double Distance(const PointType & a, int idx_a, const PointType & b, int idx_b, VectorDoubleType * out_grad =nullptr) const
virtual double SquaredDistance(const PointType & a, int idx_a, const PointType & b, int idx_b) const
virtual bool IsWithinDistance(const PointType & a, int idx_a, const PointType & b, int idx_b, double test_dist, double & distance) const
virtual double GetCurvature(const PointType & p, int idx) const =0
virtual double GetSurfaceMeanCurvature() const =0
virtual double GetSurfaceStdDevCurvature() const =0
virtual const PointType & GetLowerBound() const =0
virtual const PointType & GetUpperBound() const =0
virtual double GetSurfaceArea() const =0
virtual PointType GetValidLocationNear(PointType p) const =0
virtual double GetMaxDiameter() const =0
virtual void DeleteImages() =0
virtual void DeletePartialDerivativeImages() =0
virtual void UpdateZeroCrossingPoint() =0
bool IsDomainFixed() const
std::shared_ptr< shapeworks::Constraints > GetConstraints() const
virtual PointType GetPositionAfterSplit(const PointType & pt, const VectorDoubleType & local_direction, const VectorDoubleType & global_direction, double epsilon) const
void SetDomainID(int id)
void SetDomainName(std::string name)

Protected Functions inherited from shapeworks::ParticleDomain

virtual ~ParticleDomain()

Protected Attributes inherited from shapeworks::ParticleDomain

bool m_FixedDomain
int m_DomainID
std::string m_DomainName
std::shared_ptr< shapeworks::Constraints > constraints

Detailed Description

template <class T >
class shapeworks::ImplicitSurfaceDomain;

Public Types Documentation

typedef Superclass

typedef ImageDomainWithCurvature<T> shapeworks::ImplicitSurfaceDomain< T >::Superclass;

Standard class typedefs

typedef Pointer

typedef std::shared_ptr<ImplicitSurfaceDomain> shapeworks::ImplicitSurfaceDomain< T >::Pointer;

typedef ImageType

typedef Superclass::ImageType shapeworks::ImplicitSurfaceDomain< T >::ImageType;

typedef PointType

typedef Superclass::PointType shapeworks::ImplicitSurfaceDomain< T >::PointType;

Public Functions Documentation

function SetTolerance

inline virtual void SetTolerance(
    const T _Tolerance

Set/Get the precision of the projection operation. The resulting projection will be within the specified tolerance.

function GetTolerance

inline virtual T GetTolerance()

function GetDomainType

inline virtual shapeworks::DomainType GetDomainType() const override

Reimplements: shapeworks::ParticleDomain::GetDomainType

function ApplyConstraints

inline virtual bool ApplyConstraints(
    PointType & p,
    int idx,
    bool dbg =false
) const override

Reimplements: shapeworks::ParticleDomain::ApplyConstraints

Apply any constraints to the given point location. This method constrains points to lie within the given domain and on a given implicit surface. If the point is not already on the surface, it is projected back to the surface using a Newton-Raphson iteration. IMPORTANT: This method returns the true/false value of its superclass, and does not indicate changes only due to projection. This is done for speed: we typically will only want to know if a point tried to move outside of the bounding box domain, since movement off the surface will be very common. Consider subclassing this method to add a check for significant differences in the input and output points.

function UpdateParticlePosition

inline PointType UpdateParticlePosition(
    const PointType & point,
    int idx,
    vnl_vector_fixed< double, DIMENSION > & update
) const override

function GetZeroCrossingPoint

inline virtual PointType GetZeroCrossingPoint() const override

Reimplements: shapeworks::ParticleDomain::GetZeroCrossingPoint

Get any valid point on the domain. This is used to place the first particle.

function ImplicitSurfaceDomain

inline ImplicitSurfaceDomain()

function PrintSelf

inline void PrintSelf(
    std::ostream & os,
    itk::Indent indent
) const

function ~ImplicitSurfaceDomain

inline virtual ~ImplicitSurfaceDomain()

Updated on 2024-10-16 at 07:18:27 +0000