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#include <Constraints.h>

Public Types

using itk::Point< double, 3 > Point3

Public Functions

Constraints are inactive when initialized.
void addPlane(const vnl_vector< double > & a, const vnl_vector< double > & b, const vnl_vector< double > & c)
Adds a cutting-plane boundary constraint. Constraints are used to isolate areas of interest on shape surfaces.
void addFreeFormConstraint(std::shared_ptr< shapeworks::Mesh > mesh)
Adds the free-form boundary constraint, or FFC. Constraints are used to isolate areas of interest on shape surfaces.
bool transformConstraints(const vnl_matrix_fixed< double, 4, 4 > & transform)
Applies transformations to free-form constraints (FFCs)
bool transformPlanes(const vnl_matrix_fixed< double, 4, 4 > & transform)
Applies transformations to cutting-plane constraints.
std::vector< PlaneConstraint > & getPlaneConstraints()
Returns the vector that constains all plane constraints, of type PlaneConstraint. See class PlaneConstraint for more info.
FreeFormConstraint & getFreeformConstraint()
Returns the free form constraint, of type FreeFormConstraint. See class FreeFormConstraint for more info.
bool isAnyViolated(const Point3 & pos)
Returns true if any constraint is violated by point pos.
void printAll()
Prints all constraints in a neat format. Make sure to disable multithreading if printing within to optimization to avoid jumbled output.
std::string violationReport(const Point3 & pos, size_t index)
Prints out a comprehensive violation report with each constraint that is violated and the magnitude of such violation by point pos. Index can be 0 if one does not have the index.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > violationReportData(const Point3 & pos)
Returns the distance to every cosntraint with [0] plane, [1] sphere, and [2] FFC.
vnl_vector_fixed< double, 3 > constraintsLagrangianGradient(const Point3 & pos, const Point3 & prepos, double C, size_t index)
Returns the constraint gradient. prepos is the current particle, pos is the particle with an optimization update applied, C can be 1, and index is the index of the particle.
void InitializeLagrangianParameters(std::vector< double > mus)
Initializes lagrangian parameter mus.
void UpdateMus(const Point3 & pos, double C, size_t index)
Updates mus, the momentum variable of the augmented lagrangian.
bool GetActive()
Gets the variable active, which determines whether constraints are being used.
void SetActive(bool ac)
Sets the variable active, which determines whether constraints are being used.
void read(std::string filename)
Reads in a constraint json file named filename.
void write(std::string filename)
Writes out a constraint json file named filename.
bool hasConstraints()
void clipMesh(Mesh & mesh)
Clips the mesh that has been passed into it by the constraints stored in this object.

Detailed Description

class shapeworks::Constraints;

This class contains the set of boundary constraints that are appleid to the shapes in the dataset. They are used to isolate areas of interest on shape surfaces/volumes. These boundary constraints currently take the form of cutting planes, cutting spheres (deprecated), or free-form constraints (FFCs). Do not confuse these with the ApplyConstraints function found in the "domain" code, they refer to the action of snapping to the surface and do not serve to isolate areas of interest.

Please check out Libs/Optimize/Constraints/Constraints for a constraints roadmap

Public Types Documentation

using Point3

using shapeworks::Constraints::Point3 =  itk::Point<double, 3>;

Public Functions Documentation

function Constraints

inline Constraints()

Constraints are inactive when initialized.

function ~Constraints

inline ~Constraints()

function addPlane

void addPlane(
    const vnl_vector< double > & a,
    const vnl_vector< double > & b,
    const vnl_vector< double > & c

Adds a cutting-plane boundary constraint. Constraints are used to isolate areas of interest on shape surfaces.

function addFreeFormConstraint

void addFreeFormConstraint(
    std::shared_ptr< shapeworks::Mesh > mesh

Adds the free-form boundary constraint, or FFC. Constraints are used to isolate areas of interest on shape surfaces.

function transformConstraints

bool transformConstraints(
    const vnl_matrix_fixed< double, 4, 4 > & transform

Applies transformations to free-form constraints (FFCs)

function transformPlanes

bool transformPlanes(
    const vnl_matrix_fixed< double, 4, 4 > & transform

Applies transformations to cutting-plane constraints.

function getPlaneConstraints

inline std::vector< PlaneConstraint > & getPlaneConstraints()

Returns the vector that constains all plane constraints, of type PlaneConstraint. See class PlaneConstraint for more info.

function getFreeformConstraint

FreeFormConstraint & getFreeformConstraint()

Returns the free form constraint, of type FreeFormConstraint. See class FreeFormConstraint for more info.

function isAnyViolated

bool isAnyViolated(
    const Point3 & pos

Returns true if any constraint is violated by point pos.

function printAll

void printAll()

Prints all constraints in a neat format. Make sure to disable multithreading if printing within to optimization to avoid jumbled output.

function violationReport

std::string violationReport(
    const Point3 & pos,
    size_t index

Prints out a comprehensive violation report with each constraint that is violated and the magnitude of such violation by point pos. Index can be 0 if one does not have the index.

function violationReportData

std::vector< std::vector< double > > violationReportData(
    const Point3 & pos

Returns the distance to every cosntraint with [0] plane, [1] sphere, and [2] FFC.

function constraintsLagrangianGradient

vnl_vector_fixed< double, 3 > constraintsLagrangianGradient(
    const Point3 & pos,
    const Point3 & prepos,
    double C,
    size_t index

Returns the constraint gradient. prepos is the current particle, pos is the particle with an optimization update applied, C can be 1, and index is the index of the particle.

function InitializeLagrangianParameters

void InitializeLagrangianParameters(
    std::vector< double > mus

Initializes lagrangian parameter mus.

function UpdateMus

void UpdateMus(
    const Point3 & pos,
    double C,
    size_t index

Updates mus, the momentum variable of the augmented lagrangian.

function GetActive

inline bool GetActive()

Gets the variable active, which determines whether constraints are being used.

function SetActive

inline void SetActive(
    bool ac

Sets the variable active, which determines whether constraints are being used.

function read

void read(
    std::string filename

Reads in a constraint json file named filename.

function write

void write(
    std::string filename

Writes out a constraint json file named filename.

function hasConstraints

bool hasConstraints()

function clipMesh

void clipMesh(
    Mesh & mesh

Clips the mesh that has been passed into it by the constraints stored in this object.

Updated on 2024-10-16 at 07:18:26 +0000