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Class to manage meshes. More...

#include <MeshManager.h>

Inherits from QObject

Public Slots

void handle_thread_complete(const MeshWorkItem & item, MeshHandle mesh)
void handle_warper_progress()

Public Signals

void new_mesh()
void error_encountered(QString message)
void progress(int )
void status(std::string )

Public Functions

void set_cache_enabled(bool enabled)
Set if the cache should be enabled.
void set_cache_memory_percent(int percent)
Set the memory cache size.
void set_parallel_enabled(bool enabled)
Set if parallel reconstruction should be enabled.
void set_num_threads(int num_threads)
Set the number of threads for parallel reconstruction.
void generate_mesh(const MeshWorkItem item)
generate and cache a mesh for this shape in a different thread
MeshHandle get_mesh(const MeshWorkItem & item, bool wait =false)
get a mesh for a MeshWorkItem
MeshHandle get_mesh(const Eigen::VectorXd & points, int domain, bool wait =false)
get a mesh for a set of points
std::shared_ptr< SurfaceReconstructor > get_surface_reconstructor(int domain)
return the surface reconstructor for a given domain
std::shared_ptr< MeshWarper > get_mesh_warper(int domain)
return the mesh warper for a given domain
std::shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > get_mesh_generator()
return the mesh generator
void clear_cache()
clear the cache

Detailed Description

class shapeworks::MeshManager;

Class to manage meshes.

The MeshManager handles all aspects of mesh generation and caching. It houses the cache and manages threads to work on mesh generation in the background.

Public Slots Documentation

slot handle_thread_complete

void handle_thread_complete(
    const MeshWorkItem & item,
    MeshHandle mesh

slot handle_warper_progress

void handle_warper_progress()

Public Signals Documentation

signal new_mesh

void new_mesh()

signal error_encountered

void error_encountered(
    QString message

signal progress

void progress(

signal status

void status(

Public Functions Documentation

function MeshManager


function ~MeshManager


function set_cache_enabled

void set_cache_enabled(
    bool enabled

Set if the cache should be enabled.

function set_cache_memory_percent

void set_cache_memory_percent(
    int percent

Set the memory cache size.

function set_parallel_enabled

inline void set_parallel_enabled(
    bool enabled

Set if parallel reconstruction should be enabled.

function set_num_threads

inline void set_num_threads(
    int num_threads

Set the number of threads for parallel reconstruction.

function generate_mesh

void generate_mesh(
    const MeshWorkItem item

generate and cache a mesh for this shape in a different thread

function get_mesh

MeshHandle get_mesh(
    const MeshWorkItem & item,
    bool wait =false

get a mesh for a MeshWorkItem

function get_mesh

MeshHandle get_mesh(
    const Eigen::VectorXd & points,
    int domain,
    bool wait =false

get a mesh for a set of points

function get_surface_reconstructor

std::shared_ptr< SurfaceReconstructor > get_surface_reconstructor(
    int domain

return the surface reconstructor for a given domain

function get_mesh_warper

std::shared_ptr< MeshWarper > get_mesh_warper(
    int domain

return the mesh warper for a given domain

function get_mesh_generator

inline std::shared_ptr< MeshGenerator > get_mesh_generator()

return the mesh generator

function clear_cache

void clear_cache()

clear the cache

Updated on 2024-10-16 at 07:18:27 +0000