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Inherits from QAbstractTableModel

Public Slots

void new_landmark()
create a new landmark
void handle_click(const QModelIndex & index)
Handler for when table cells are clicked.
void handle_double_click(const QModelIndex & index)
Handler for when table cells are double clicked.
void handle_header_click(int index)
Handle header click.

Public Functions

LandmarkTableModel(QObject * parent =0)
virtual ~LandmarkTableModel()
void set_session(QSharedPointer< Session > session)
Attach to a session.
void store_landmarks()
Store landmarks back to project.
void set_active_domain(int domain)
Set the currently active domain.
void update_table()
Update the table of landmarks from the project.
void update_cells()
Update table cells.
void remove_rows(const std::vector< int > & rows)
Remove landmarks with specified row indices.
void toggle_visible()
Toggle tri-state button for visibility in horizontal header.
void set_placing_landmark(int row)
Set the currently placing landmark.
void delete_landmarks(const QModelIndexList & list)
delete the selected landmarks
int rowCount(const QModelIndex & index) const override
QAbstractTableModel::rowCount implementation.
int columnCount(const QModelIndex & index) const override
QAbstractTableModel::columnCount implementation.
QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const override
QAbstractTableModel::data implementation.
bool setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role) override
QAbstractTableModel::setData implementation.
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override
QAbstractTableModel::headerData implementation.
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex & index) const override
QAbstractTableModel::flags implementation.

Public Slots Documentation

slot new_landmark

void new_landmark()

create a new landmark

slot handle_click

void handle_click(
    const QModelIndex & index

Handler for when table cells are clicked.

slot handle_double_click

void handle_double_click(
    const QModelIndex & index

Handler for when table cells are double clicked.

slot handle_header_click

void handle_header_click(
    int index

Handle header click.

Public Functions Documentation

function LandmarkTableModel

    QObject * parent =0


function ~LandmarkTableModel

virtual ~LandmarkTableModel()


function set_session

void set_session(
    QSharedPointer< Session > session

Attach to a session.

function store_landmarks

void store_landmarks()

Store landmarks back to project.

function set_active_domain

void set_active_domain(
    int domain

Set the currently active domain.

function update_table

void update_table()

Update the table of landmarks from the project.

function update_cells

void update_cells()

Update table cells.

function remove_rows

void remove_rows(
    const std::vector< int > & rows

Remove landmarks with specified row indices.

function toggle_visible

void toggle_visible()

Toggle tri-state button for visibility in horizontal header.

function set_placing_landmark

void set_placing_landmark(
    int row

Set the currently placing landmark.

function delete_landmarks

void delete_landmarks(
    const QModelIndexList & list

delete the selected landmarks

function rowCount

int rowCount(
    const QModelIndex & index
) const override

QAbstractTableModel::rowCount implementation.

function columnCount

int columnCount(
    const QModelIndex & index
) const override

QAbstractTableModel::columnCount implementation.

function data

QVariant data(
    const QModelIndex & index,
    int role
) const override

QAbstractTableModel::data implementation.

function setData

bool setData(
    const QModelIndex & index,
    const QVariant & value,
    int role
) override

QAbstractTableModel::setData implementation.

function headerData

QVariant headerData(
    int section,
    Qt::Orientation orientation,
    int role
) const override

QAbstractTableModel::headerData implementation.

function flags

Qt::ItemFlags flags(
    const QModelIndex & index
) const override

QAbstractTableModel::flags implementation.

Updated on 2024-10-16 at 07:18:27 +0000