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Inherits from FEItem

Public Types

enum @2

Public Functions

bool operator==(const FEFace & f)
comparison operator
int Nodes()
return number of nodes
int Edges()
return number of edges
void GetEdgeNodes(int i, int * n)
get the edge node numbers
bool HasEdge(int n1, int n2)
See if this face has an edge.
bool HasNode(int i)
See if this face has node with ID i.
int FindNode(int i)
Fine the array index of node with ID i.
bool IsExternal()
Is this face internal or external.

Public Attributes

int n
nodal ID's
int m_nodes
number of nodes
int m_nbr
neighbour faces
vec3d m_fn
face normal
vec3d m_nn
node normals
int m_sid
smoothing ID
int m_elem
the elements to which this face belongs

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from FEItem

bool IsVisible() const
bool IsSelected() const
void Select()
void UnSelect()
void Show()
void Hide()
unsigned int GetFEState() const
void SetFEState(unsigned int state)

Public Attributes inherited from FEItem

int m_ntag
int m_gid
int m_nid

Public Types Documentation

enum @2

Enumerator Value Description

Public Functions Documentation

function FEFace



function operator==

bool operator==(
    const FEFace & f

comparison operator

function Nodes

inline int Nodes()

return number of nodes

function Edges

int Edges()

return number of edges

function GetEdgeNodes

void GetEdgeNodes(
    int i,
    int * n

get the edge node numbers

function HasEdge

bool HasEdge(
    int n1,
    int n2

See if this face has an edge.

function HasNode

bool HasNode(
    int i

See if this face has node with ID i.

function FindNode

int FindNode(
    int i

Fine the array index of node with ID i.

function IsExternal

inline bool IsExternal()

Is this face internal or external.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable n

int n;

nodal ID's

variable m_nodes

int m_nodes;

number of nodes

variable m_nbr

int m_nbr;

neighbour faces

variable m_fn

vec3d m_fn;

face normal

variable m_nn

vec3d m_nn;

node normals

variable m_sid

int m_sid;

smoothing ID

variable m_elem

int m_elem;

the elements to which this face belongs

Updated on 2024-10-16 at 07:18:27 +0000