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How to Cite ShapeWorks?

Acknowledgment Guidelines for Using ShapeWorks Tools

When publishing research that utilizes ShapeWorks tools, it is essential to acknowledge the contributions of the grants that have supported the development of these resources. The following sample acknowledgment statement is provided to assist you in correctly citing these contributions in your work:

Sample Acknowledgment Statement:

“We gratefully acknowledge the support from the following grants: The research and findings presented in this paper were directly supported by grants [list grant numbers and agencies that supported your research/study], and we extend our thanks to [list PIs or agencies] for their essential roles in this study. Additionally, the development of the ShapeWorks tools used in our research has been made possible through the technological support from grants NIBIB-U24EB029011, NIAMS-R01AR076120, NHLBI-R01HL135568, and NIBIB-R01EB016701, as detailed on the ShapeWorks website. These grants have significantly contributed to the technological advancements integral to our analyses and represent a collective effort spanning over a decade. We acknowledge the dedication of the development teams and all contributing PIs whose ongoing commitment has made these tools available as part of an open-source initiative aimed at benefiting the broader research community. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."


When referencing ShapeWorks, please include a bibliographical reference to the paper below, and, if possible, include a link to

Joshua Cates, Shireen Elhabian, Ross Whitaker. "Shapeworks: particle-based shape correspondence and visualization software." Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis. Academic Press, 2017. 257-298.

title = {Shapeworks: particle-based shape correspondence and visualization software},
author = {Cates, Joshua and Elhabian, Shireen and Whitaker, Ross},
booktitle = {Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis},
pages = {257--298},
year = {2017},
publisher = {Elsevier}