Name |
shapeworks User usage reporting (telemetry) |
Name | |
class | shapeworks::SamplingFunction This function returns an estimate of the gradient of the entropy of a particle distribution with respect to change in position of a specific particle in that distribution. |
Source code
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "Libs/Optimize/Container/GenericContainerArray.h"
#include "Libs/Optimize/Domain/ImageDomainWithGradients.h"
#include "VectorFunction.h"
namespace shapeworks {
class SamplingFunction : public VectorFunction {
constexpr static int VDimension = 3;
typedef float
TGradientNumericType; // This has always been used on float images, so the curvature cache is also float
typedef SamplingFunction Self;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
typedef VectorFunction Superclass;
itkTypeMacro(SamplingFunction, VectorFunction);
typedef TGradientNumericType GradientNumericType;
typedef GenericContainerArray<double> SigmaCacheType;
typedef typename Superclass::VectorType VectorType;
typedef typename ParticleSystem::PointType PointType;
typedef vnl_vector_fixed<TGradientNumericType, VDimension> GradientVectorType;
itkStaticConstMacro(Dimension, unsigned int, VDimension);
virtual VectorType Evaluate(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d, const ParticleSystem* system, double& maxdt) const;
virtual VectorType Evaluate(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d, const ParticleSystem* system, double& maxdt,
double& energy) const {
itkExceptionMacro("This method not implemented");
return VectorType();
virtual double Energy(unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystem*) const {
itkExceptionMacro("This method not implemented");
return 0.0;
virtual void ResetBuffers() { m_SpatialSigmaCache->ZeroAllValues(); }
virtual double EstimateSigma(unsigned int idx, const typename ParticleSystem::PointVectorType& neighborhood,
const shapeworks::ParticleDomain* domain, const std::vector<double>& weights,
const PointType& pos, double initial_sigma, double precision, int& err) const;
TGradientNumericType AngleCoefficient(const GradientVectorType&, const GradientVectorType&) const;
void SetMinimumNeighborhoodRadius(double s) { m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius = s; }
double GetMinimumNeighborhoodRadius() const { return m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius; }
void SetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius(double s) { m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius = s; }
double GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius() const { return m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius; }
void SetFlatCutoff(double s) { m_FlatCutoff = s; }
double GetFlatCutoff() const { return m_FlatCutoff; }
void SetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio(double s) { m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio = s; }
double GetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio() const { return m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio; }
void SetSpatialSigmaCache(SigmaCacheType* s) { m_SpatialSigmaCache = s; }
SigmaCacheType* GetSpatialSigmaCache() { return m_SpatialSigmaCache.GetPointer(); }
const SigmaCacheType* GetSpatialSigmaCache() const { return m_SpatialSigmaCache.GetPointer(); }
void ComputeAngularWeights(const PointType&, int, const typename ParticleSystem::PointVectorType&,
const shapeworks::ParticleDomain*, std::vector<double>&) const;
// void ComputeNeighborho0d();
virtual VectorFunction::Pointer Clone() {
SamplingFunction::Pointer copy = SamplingFunction::New();
// from itkParticleVectorFunction
copy->m_DomainNumber = this->m_DomainNumber;
copy->m_ParticleSystem = this->m_ParticleSystem;
// local
copy->m_FlatCutoff = this->m_FlatCutoff;
copy->m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius = this->m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius;
copy->m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius = this->m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius;
copy->m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio = this->m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio;
copy->m_SpatialSigmaCache = this->m_SpatialSigmaCache;
return (typename VectorFunction::Pointer)copy;
SamplingFunction() : m_FlatCutoff(0.05), m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio(3.0) {}
virtual ~SamplingFunction() {}
void operator=(const SamplingFunction&);
SamplingFunction(const SamplingFunction&);
double m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius;
double m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius;
double m_FlatCutoff;
double m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio;
typename SigmaCacheType::Pointer m_SpatialSigmaCache;
} // namespace shapeworks
Updated on 2024-03-17 at 12:58:44 -0600