Name |
shapeworks User usage reporting (telemetry) |
Name | |
class | shapeworks::MeshWrapper |
Source code
#pragma once
#include <geometrycentral/surface/heat_method_distance.h>
#include <geometrycentral/surface/meshio.h>
#include <geometrycentral/surface/surface_mesh.h>
#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "Libs/Optimize/Domain/ParticleDomain.h"
#include "MeshGeoEntry.h"
#include "MeshWrapper.h"
class vtkCellLocator;
namespace shapeworks {
class MeshWrapper {
using PointType = ParticleDomain::PointType;
using GradNType = ParticleDomain::GradNType;
using NormalType = vnl_vector_fixed<float, 3>;
using VectorType = vnl_vector_fixed<double, 3>;
explicit MeshWrapper(vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mesh, bool geodesics_enabled = false,
size_t geodesics_cache_multiplier_size = 0); // 0 => MeshWrapper will choose a heuristic
~MeshWrapper() = default;
double ComputeDistance(const PointType& pointa, int idxa, const PointType& pointb, int idxb,
VectorType* out_grad = nullptr) const;
bool IsWithinDistance(const PointType& pointa, int idxa, const PointType& pointb, int idxb, double test_dist,
double& dist) const;
PointType GeodesicWalk(PointType p, int idx, VectorType vector) const;
VectorType ProjectVectorToSurfaceTangent(const PointType& pointa, int idx, VectorType& vector) const;
NormalType SampleNormalAtPoint(PointType p, int idx = -1) const;
GradNType SampleGradNAtPoint(PointType p, int idx) const;
PointType SnapToMesh(PointType pointa, int idx) const;
PointType GetPointOnMesh() const;
inline const PointType& GetMeshLowerBound() const { return mesh_lower_bound_; }
inline const PointType& GetMeshUpperBound() const { return mesh_upper_bound_; }
virtual void InvalidateParticle(int idx);
inline vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> GetPolydata() const { return original_mesh_; }
bool IsGeodesicsEnabled() const { return this->is_geodesics_enabled_; }
void ComputeMeshBounds();
void ComputeGradN(const Eigen::MatrixXd& V, const Eigen::MatrixXi& F);
int GetTriangleForPoint(const double pt[3], int idx, double closest_point[3]) const;
Eigen::Vector3d ProjectVectorToFace(const Eigen::Vector3d& normal, const Eigen::Vector3d& vector) const;
const Eigen::Vector3d GetFaceNormal(int face_index) const;
bool IsInTriangle(const double pt[3], int face_index) const;
Eigen::Vector3d ComputeBarycentricCoordinates(const Eigen::Vector3d& pt, int face) const;
int ComputeFaceAndWeights(const PointType& p, int idx, Eigen::Vector3d& weights) const;
Eigen::Vector3d GeodesicWalkOnFace(Eigen::Vector3d point_a, Eigen::Vector3d projected_vector, int face_index,
int& ending_face) const;
Eigen::Vector3d GetBarycentricIntersection(Eigen::Vector3d start, Eigen::Vector3d end, int currentFace,
int edge) const;
int GetAcrossEdge(int face, int edge) const;
int GetFacePointID(int face, int point_id) const;
int SlideAlongEdge(Eigen::Vector3d& point, Eigen::Vector3d& remainingVector_, int face_, int edge_) const;
Eigen::Vector3d GetVertexCoords(int vertex_id) const;
Eigen::Vector3d RotateVectorToFace(const Eigen::Vector3d& prev_normal, const Eigen::Vector3d& next_normal,
const Eigen::Vector3d& vector) const;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> poly_data_;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> original_mesh_;
NormalType CalculateNormalAtPoint(MeshWrapper::PointType p, int idx) const;
// Caches of triangle, normal and position
// Has to be mutable because all of the accessor APIs are const
mutable std::vector<int> particle_triangles_;
mutable std::vector<NormalType> particle_normals_;
mutable std::vector<PointType> particle_positions_;
mutable std::vector<double> particle_neighboorhood_;
std::vector<GradNType> grad_normals_;
// cache of specialized cells for direct access
std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkTriangle>> triangles_;
// bounds of the mesh plus some buffer
PointType mesh_lower_bound_;
PointType mesh_upper_bound_;
// cell locator to find closest point on mesh
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellLocator> cell_locator_;
// Geodesic distances
bool is_geodesics_enabled_{false};
// Geometry Central data structures
std::unique_ptr<geometrycentral::surface::SurfaceMesh> gc_mesh_;
std::unique_ptr<geometrycentral::surface::VertexPositionGeometry> gc_geometry_;
std::unique_ptr<geometrycentral::surface::HeatMethodDistanceSolver> gc_heatsolver_;
size_t geo_max_cache_entries_{0};
mutable size_t geo_cache_size_{0};
// Flattened version of libigl's gradient operator
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3d> face_grad_;
std::vector<std::unordered_set<int>> face_kring_;
// Cache for geodesic distances from a triangle
mutable std::vector<MeshGeoEntry> geo_dist_cache_;
// Returns true if face f_a is in the K-ring of face f_b
bool AreFacesInKRing(int f_a, int f_b) const;
const size_t kring_{1};
// Convert the mesh to libigl data structures
void GetIGLMesh(Eigen::MatrixXd& V, Eigen::MatrixXi& F) const;
// Precompute heat data structures for faster geodesic lookups
void PrecomputeGeodesics(const Eigen::MatrixXd& V, const Eigen::MatrixXi& F);
void ComputeKRing(int f, int k, std::unordered_set<int>& ring) const;
const MeshGeoEntry& GeodesicsFromTriangle(int f, double max_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
int req_target_f = -1) const;
const Eigen::Matrix3d GeodesicsFromTriangleToTriangle(int f_a, int f_b) const;
void ClearGeodesicCache() const;
// Store some info about the last query. This accelerates the computation
// because the optimizer generally asks for the distances _from_ the same
// point as the previous query.
mutable bool geo_lq_cached_{false};
mutable PointType geo_lq_pt_a_{-1};
mutable int geo_lq_face_{-1};
mutable Eigen::Vector3d geo_lq_bary_;
void FetchAndCacheFirstPoint(const PointType pt_a, int idx_a, int& face_a, Eigen::Vector3d& bary_a) const;
} // namespace shapeworks
Updated on 2024-03-17 at 12:58:44 -0600