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Getting Started with Documentation

Which branch to use?

Please use the mkdocs branch to add/edit your documentation according to the guidelines detailed in this page. Once you are done with your edits, please submit a Pull Request (PR) to get your changes reviewed and merged to the master branch.

For PRs that include documentation changes

At the beginning of the PR, please add instructions on how one could compile the documentation and what pages should be reviewed. For example, these instructions could include the following:

  • Checkout the mkdocs branch
  • Run mkdocs serve from the root directory (containing mkdocs.yml)
  • Open and review path/to/edited-or-added-md-files

Naming and Organization

Where are the documentation files?

ShapeWorks documentation is written using Markdown, a text layout language that enables simple formatting for section headers, code samples, weblinks, and images, yet is still readable as plain text. All documentation markdown files are located in the docs/ folder. Documentation settings are configured by using the mkdocs.yml configuration file in the ShapeWorks directory.

Naming convention

To maintain consistency, please use lower-case letters and dashes for your markdown files, e.g.,

Docs organization

ShapeWorks documentation is organized into main sections (e.g., "Getting Started", "Use Cases", ... etc), which map to subfolders in the docs/ folder (e.g., "getting-started", "use-cases", ... etc) and images used in their markdown files are located in the corresponding subfolders in the docs/img folder.

Adding Call-outs

We are now using the Admonition extension to include side content that is minimally disruptive to the document flow. It is also very useful to a reader's draw attention. Below are some examples.

To add a note block with a title, use the following markdown syntax.

!!! note "Title of the note"
    Here is a note to keep in mind.

It will render as follows.

Title of the note

Here is a note to keep in mind.

You can also add a note without a title.

!!! note 
    This is a note without a title. This also applies to other call-outs.

It will render as follows.


This is a note without a title

To make a note (or any call-out collapsable, use ??? as follows.

??? note 
    This is a collapsable note without a title. This also applies to other call-outs.

It will render as follows.


This is a collapsable note without a title. This also applies to other call-outs.

To add a danger block with a title, use the following markdown syntax.

!!! danger "Don't try this at home"
    Seriously don't try this; this is a dangerous step to take.

It will render as follows.

Don't try this at home

Seriously don't try this; this is a dangerous step to take.

To add an important block without a title, use the following markdown syntax.

!!! important 
    This is an admonition box without a title.

It will render as follows.


This is an admonition box without a title.

Locally Building Documentation

To see local changes to documentation in realtime, cd to where source documentation (i.e., mkdocs.yml) is maintained and run the following command:

mkdocs serve

This command builds markdown files into HTML and starts a development server to browse the documentation.

Open up in your favorite browser to see the documentation. Changes you make to the markdown files are automatically rebuilt.

Deploying on GitHub Pages

As ShapeWorks is hosted on GitHub, we use GitHub Pages to host the documentation for ShapeWorks.

We use Project Pages sites for documentation deployment. The site files are deployed to the gh-pages branch within the ShapeWorks repository.

Deployment is taken care of automatically by GitHub Actions using the script Support/

Do not edit gh-pages

Never manually edit files on the gh-pages branch because you will lose your work the next time the docs are deployed.

Contributing to Documentation


If you added a new markdown file to docs/, please make sure to include it in it relevant section in mkdocs.yml to make it accessible.

We use GitHub to keep track of issues pertaining to ShapeWorks documentation. For an internal list of todos, which will be turned to issues, visit Documentation ToDo List.

Inserting Videos in Documentation

Request on GitHub for your video to be uploaded to the SCI ShapeWorks server.

Insert it in the markdown file using <p><video src="" autoplay muted loop controls style="width:100%"></p>.

Where are the videos stored?

On SCI servers, at /usr/sci/www/shapeworks/doc-resources/mp4s/.

Auto-generating ShapeWorks Commands Documentation

The DocumentationUtils package in Python has APIs for auto-documenting command-line tools and to-come-soon python APIs. We use the docs folder to save the generated documentation.

To generate documentation for the shapeworks commands, first be sure to run as described in How to Build ShapeWorks from Source? to install DocumentationUtils.

Then, make sure that the shapeworks command is in your path (set PATH=/path/to/shapeworks:$PATH), then use Python to run the following command:

$ python Python/ --md_filename docs/tools/


  • md_filename is the markdown file name for the documentation file to be generated

Auto-generating C++ Doxygen API Documentation

To generate C++ Doxygen API output into mkdocs, configure ShapeWorks with BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON.

After building, run (from the root source directory):

$ ./Support/ ${BUILD_DIR}/Documentation/Doxygen/xml

See Also