Shapeworks Studio  2.1
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Eigen::WithFormat< ExpressionType > Class Template Reference

Pseudo expression providing matrix output with given format. More...

#include <IO.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for Eigen::WithFormat< ExpressionType >:

Public Member Functions

 WithFormat (const ExpressionType &matrix, const IOFormat &format)

Protected Attributes

const ExpressionType::Nested m_matrix
IOFormat m_format


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const WithFormat &wf)

Detailed Description

template<typename ExpressionType>
class Eigen::WithFormat< ExpressionType >

Pseudo expression providing matrix output with given format.

ExpressionTypethe type of the object on which IO stream operations are performed

This class represents an expression with stream operators controlled by a given IOFormat. It is the return type of DenseBase::format() and most of the time this is the only way it is used.

See class IOFormat for some examples.

See also
DenseBase::format(), class IOFormat

Definition at line 90 of file IO.h.

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