▼ src | |
▼ Application | |
► Analysis | |
AnalysisTool.cc | |
AnalysisTool.h | |
► Data | |
itkParticlePositionReader.h | |
itkParticlePositionWriter.h | |
itkParticleShapeStatistics.h | |
ItkToVtk.h | |
Mesh.cc | |
Mesh.h | |
MeshCache.cc | |
MeshCache.h | Thread safe cache for meshes index by shape |
MeshGenerator.cc | |
MeshGenerator.h | Mesh generation |
MeshManager.cc | |
MeshManager.h | Class to manage meshes |
MeshSettings.cc | |
MeshSettings.h | |
MeshWorker.cc | |
MeshWorker.h | Worker class for parallel mesh reconstruction |
MeshWorkQueue.cc | |
MeshWorkQueue.h | Provides concurrent access to a list of shapes to work needing reconstruction |
Preferences.cc | |
Preferences.h | |
PreferencesWindow.cc | |
PreferencesWindow.h | |
Project.cc | |
Project.h | |
Shape.cc | |
Shape.h | |
► Groom | |
GroomTool.cc | |
GroomTool.h | |
QGroom.cpp | |
QGroom.h | |
► Optimize | |
OptimizeTool.cc | |
OptimizeTool.h | |
QOptimize.cpp | |
QOptimize.h | |
► Resources | |
resource.h | |
► Visualization | |
bargraph.cpp | |
bargraph.h | |
ColorSchemes.h | |
DisplayObject.cc | |
DisplayObject.h | |
Lightbox.cc | |
Lightbox.h | |
ShapeWorksStudioApp.cc | |
ShapeWorksStudioApp.h | |
ShapeworksWorker.cc | |
ShapeworksWorker.h | |
StudioInteractorStyle.cc | |
StudioInteractorStyle.h | |
Viewer.cc | |
Viewer.h | |
Visualizer.cc | |
Visualizer.h | |
WheelEventForwarder.cc | |
WheelEventForwarder.h | |
main.cc | |
▼ CLT | |
ShapeworksCLT.cpp | |
▼ Groom | |
bounding_box.h | |
ShapeWorksGroom.cxx | |
ShapeWorksGroom.h | |
tool.h | |
▼ Optimize | |
ShapeWorksOptimize.cxx | |
ShapeWorksOptimize.h | |
▼ ParticleShapeworks | |
► Examples | |
itkPSMCommandLineClass.h | |
itkPSMCommandLineClass.hxx | |
psmCommandLineTool.cxx | |
psmPreprocessor.cxx | |
► include | |
itkPSMAttribute.h | |
itkPSMCleanAndCenterLabelMapImageFilter.h | |
itkPSMCleanAndCenterLabelMapImageFilter.hxx | |
itkPSMContainer.h | |
itkPSMContainerArrayAttribute.h | |
itkPSMCostFunction.h | |
itkPSMDomain.h | |
itkPSMDomain.hxx | |
itkPSMDOMNode.h | |
itkPSMDOMNodeXMLReader.h | |
itkPSMEntropyMixedEffectsModelFilter.h | |
itkPSMEntropyModelFilter.h | |
itkPSMEntropyModelFilter.hxx | |
itkPSMEntropyRegressionModelFilter.h | |
itkPSMEvents.h | |
itkPSMGradientDescentOptimizer.h | |
itkPSMGradientDescentOptimizer.hxx | |
itkPSMImageDomain.h | |
itkPSMImageDomainWithCurvature.h | |
itkPSMImageDomainWithGradients.h | |
itkPSMImageDomainWithHessians.h | |
itkPSMImplicitSurfaceDomain.h | |
itkPSMImplicitSurfaceDomain.hxx | |
itkPSMImplicitSurfaceImageFilter.h | |
itkPSMImplicitSurfaceImageFilter.hxx | |
itkPSMMeanCurvatureAttribute.h | |
itkPSMMeanCurvatureAttribute.hxx | |
itkPSMMixedEffectsShapeMatrixAttribute.h | |
itkPSMMixedEffectsShapeMatrixAttribute.hxx | |
itkPSMNeighborhood.h | |
itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h | |
itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.hxx | |
itkPSMParticleSystem.h | |
itkPSMParticleSystem.hxx | |
itkPSMPointIndexPair.h | |
itkPSMPointTree.h | |
itkPSMPointTree.hxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesFunction.h | |
itkPSMProcrustesRegistration.h | |
itkPSMProject.h | |
itkPSMProjectReader.h | |
itkPSMProjectWriter.h | |
itkPSMRBFCorrespondenceInterpolator.h | |
itkPSMRBFCorrespondenceInterpolator.hxx | |
itkPSMRegionDomain.h | |
itkPSMRegionNeighborhood.h | |
itkPSMRegionNeighborhood.hxx | |
itkPSMRegressionShapeMatrixAttribute.h | |
itkPSMRegressionShapeMatrixAttribute.hxx | |
itkPSMShapeEntropyFunction.h | |
itkPSMShapeEntropyFunction.hxx | |
itkPSMShapeMatrixAttribute.h | |
itkPSMShapeMatrixAttribute.hxx | |
itkPSMSurfaceNeighborhood.h | |
itkPSMSurfaceNeighborhood.hxx | |
itkPSMTrimLabelMapImageFilter.h | |
itkPSMTrimLabelMapImageFilter.hxx | |
itkPSMTwoCostFunction.h | |
itkPSMTwoCostFunction.hxx | |
► src | |
itkIncludeRequiredIOFactories.h | |
itkPSMDOMNodeXMLReader.cxx | |
itkPSMParticleSystem.cxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesFunction.cxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesRegistration.cxx | |
itkPSMProject.cxx | |
itkPSMProjectReader.cxx | |
itkPSMProjectWriter.cxx | |
► test | |
itkPSMCleanAndCenterLabelMapImageFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMCommandLineClass2DTest.cxx | |
itkPSMContainerArrayAttributeTest.cxx | |
itkPSMContainerTest.cxx | |
itkPSMCostFunctionTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyMixedEffectsModelFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyModelFilter2DMultiscaleTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyModelFilter2DTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyModelFilterMultiscaleTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyModelFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyRegressionModel2DFilterMultiscaleTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyRegressionModel2DFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMEntropyRegressionModelFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMGradientDescentOptimizerTest.cxx | |
itkPSMImplicitSurfaceImage2DFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMImplicitSurfaceImageFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMMeanCurvatureAttributeTest.cxx | |
itkPSMParticleSystemTest.cxx | |
itkPSMPointTreeTest.cxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesFunction2DTest.cxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesFunctionTest.cxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesRegistration2DTest.cxx | |
itkPSMProcrustesRegistrationTest.cxx | |
itkPSMProjectTest.cxx | |
itkPSMRBFCorrespondenceInterpolatorTest.cxx | |
itkPSMRegionNeighborhoodTest.cxx | |
itkPSMShapeEntropyFunctionTest.cxx | |
itkPSMSurfaceNeighborhoodTest.cxx | |
itkPSMTrimLabelMapImageFilterTest.cxx | |
itkPSMTwoCostFunctionTest.cxx | |
▼ Surfworks | |
► Eigen | |
► src | |
► Cholesky | |
LDLT.h | |
LLT.h | |
LLT_MKL.h | |
► CholmodSupport | |
CholmodSupport.h | |
► Core | |
► arch | |
► AltiVec | |
Complex.h | |
PacketMath.h | |
► Default | |
Settings.h | |
► NEON | |
Complex.h | |
PacketMath.h | |
► SSE | |
Complex.h | |
MathFunctions.h | |
PacketMath.h | |
► products | |
CoeffBasedProduct.h | |
GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrix.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrix_MKL.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrixTriangular.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrixTriangular_MKL.h | |
GeneralMatrixVector.h | |
GeneralMatrixVector_MKL.h | |
Parallelizer.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixMatrix.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixMatrix_MKL.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixVector.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixVector_MKL.h | |
SelfadjointProduct.h | |
SelfadjointRank2Update.h | |
TriangularMatrixMatrix.h | |
TriangularMatrixMatrix_MKL.h | |
TriangularMatrixVector.h | |
TriangularMatrixVector_MKL.h | |
TriangularSolverMatrix.h | |
TriangularSolverMatrix_MKL.h | |
TriangularSolverVector.h | |
► util | |
BlasUtil.h | |
Constants.h | |
DisableStupidWarnings.h | |
ForwardDeclarations.h | |
Macros.h | |
Memory.h | |
Meta.h | |
MKL_support.h | |
NonMPL2.h | |
ReenableStupidWarnings.h | |
StaticAssert.h | |
XprHelper.h | |
Array.h | |
ArrayBase.h | |
ArrayWrapper.h | |
Assign.h | |
Assign_MKL.h | |
BandMatrix.h | |
Block.h | |
BooleanRedux.h | |
CommaInitializer.h | |
CoreIterators.h | |
CwiseBinaryOp.h | |
CwiseNullaryOp.h | |
CwiseUnaryOp.h | |
CwiseUnaryView.h | |
DenseBase.h | |
DenseCoeffsBase.h | |
DenseStorage.h | |
Diagonal.h | |
DiagonalMatrix.h | |
DiagonalProduct.h | |
Dot.h | |
EigenBase.h | |
Flagged.h | |
ForceAlignedAccess.h | |
Functors.h | |
Fuzzy.h | |
GeneralProduct.h | |
GenericPacketMath.h | |
GlobalFunctions.h | |
IO.h | |
Map.h | |
MapBase.h | |
MathFunctions.h | |
Matrix.h | |
MatrixBase.h | |
NestByValue.h | |
NoAlias.h | |
NumTraits.h | |
PermutationMatrix.h | |
PlainObjectBase.h | |
ProductBase.h | |
Random.h | |
Redux.h | |
Ref.h | |
Replicate.h | |
ReturnByValue.h | |
Reverse.h | |
Select.h | |
SelfAdjointView.h | |
SelfCwiseBinaryOp.h | |
SolveTriangular.h | |
StableNorm.h | |
Stride.h | |
Swap.h | |
Transpose.h | |
Transpositions.h | |
TriangularMatrix.h | |
VectorBlock.h | |
VectorwiseOp.h | |
Visitor.h | |
► Eigen2Support | |
► Geometry | |
AlignedBox.h | |
All.h | |
AngleAxis.h | |
Hyperplane.h | |
ParametrizedLine.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
Rotation2D.h | |
RotationBase.h | |
Scaling.h | |
Transform.h | |
Translation.h | |
Block.h | |
Cwise.h | |
CwiseOperators.h | |
Lazy.h | |
LeastSquares.h | |
LU.h | |
Macros.h | |
MathFunctions.h | |
Memory.h | |
Meta.h | |
Minor.h | |
QR.h | |
SVD.h | |
TriangularSolver.h | |
VectorBlock.h | |
► Eigenvalues | |
ComplexEigenSolver.h | |
ComplexSchur.h | |
ComplexSchur_MKL.h | |
EigenSolver.h | |
GeneralizedEigenSolver.h | |
GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver.h | |
HessenbergDecomposition.h | |
MatrixBaseEigenvalues.h | |
RealQZ.h | |
RealSchur.h | |
RealSchur_MKL.h | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver.h | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_MKL.h | |
Tridiagonalization.h | |
► Geometry | |
► arch | |
Geometry_SSE.h | |
AlignedBox.h | |
AngleAxis.h | |
EulerAngles.h | |
Homogeneous.h | |
Hyperplane.h | |
OrthoMethods.h | |
ParametrizedLine.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
Rotation2D.h | |
RotationBase.h | |
Scaling.h | |
Transform.h | |
Translation.h | |
Umeyama.h | |
► Householder | |
BlockHouseholder.h | |
Householder.h | |
HouseholderSequence.h | |
► IterativeLinearSolvers | |
BasicPreconditioners.h | |
BiCGSTAB.h | |
ConjugateGradient.h | |
IncompleteLUT.h | |
IterativeSolverBase.h | |
► Jacobi | |
Jacobi.h | |
► LU | |
► arch | |
Inverse_SSE.h | |
Determinant.h | |
FullPivLU.h | |
Inverse.h | |
PartialPivLU.h | |
PartialPivLU_MKL.h | |
► MetisSupport | |
MetisSupport.h | |
► misc | |
blas.h | |
Image.h | |
Kernel.h | |
Solve.h | |
SparseSolve.h | |
► OrderingMethods | |
Amd.h | |
Eigen_Colamd.h | |
Ordering.h | |
► PardisoSupport | |
PardisoSupport.h | |
► PaStiXSupport | |
PaStiXSupport.h | |
► plugins | |
ArrayCwiseBinaryOps.h | |
ArrayCwiseUnaryOps.h | |
BlockMethods.h | |
CommonCwiseBinaryOps.h | |
CommonCwiseUnaryOps.h | |
MatrixCwiseBinaryOps.h | |
MatrixCwiseUnaryOps.h | |
► QR | |
ColPivHouseholderQR.h | |
ColPivHouseholderQR_MKL.h | |
FullPivHouseholderQR.h | |
HouseholderQR.h | |
HouseholderQR_MKL.h | |
► SparseCholesky | |
SimplicialCholesky.h | |
SimplicialCholesky_impl.h | |
► SparseCore | |
AmbiVector.h | |
CompressedStorage.h | |
ConservativeSparseSparseProduct.h | |
MappedSparseMatrix.h | |
SparseBlock.h | |
SparseColEtree.h | |
SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h | |
SparseCwiseUnaryOp.h | |
SparseDenseProduct.h | |
SparseDiagonalProduct.h | |
SparseDot.h | |
SparseFuzzy.h | |
SparseMatrix.h | |
SparseMatrixBase.h | |
SparsePermutation.h | |
SparseProduct.h | |
SparseRedux.h | |
SparseSelfAdjointView.h | |
SparseSparseProductWithPruning.h | |
SparseTranspose.h | |
SparseTriangularView.h | |
SparseUtil.h | |
SparseVector.h | |
SparseView.h | |
TriangularSolver.h | |
► SparseLU | |
SparseLU.h | |
SparseLU_column_bmod.h | |
SparseLU_column_dfs.h | |
SparseLU_copy_to_ucol.h | |
SparseLU_gemm_kernel.h | |
SparseLU_heap_relax_snode.h | |
SparseLU_kernel_bmod.h | |
SparseLU_Memory.h | |
SparseLU_panel_bmod.h | |
SparseLU_panel_dfs.h | |
SparseLU_pivotL.h | |
SparseLU_pruneL.h | |
SparseLU_relax_snode.h | |
SparseLU_Structs.h | |
SparseLU_SupernodalMatrix.h | |
SparseLU_Utils.h | |
SparseLUImpl.h | |
► SparseQR | |
SparseQR.h | |
► SPQRSupport | |
SuiteSparseQRSupport.h | |
► StlSupport | |
details.h | |
StdDeque.h | |
StdList.h | |
StdVector.h | |
► SuperLUSupport | |
SuperLUSupport.h | |
► SVD | |
JacobiSVD.h | |
JacobiSVD_MKL.h | |
UpperBidiagonalization.h | |
► UmfPackSupport | |
UmfPackSupport.h | |
► ITKVTK | |
itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h | |
itkImageToVTKImageFilter.hxx | |
itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h | |
itkVTKImageToImageFilter.hxx | |
► PreViewMeshQC | |
FEAutoMesher.cpp | |
FEAutoMesher.h | |
FECoreMesh.cpp | |
FECoreMesh.h | |
FECVDDecimationModifier.cpp | |
FECVDDecimationModifier.h | |
FEElement.cpp | |
FEElement.h | |
FEFillHole.cpp | |
FEFillHole.h | |
FEFixMesh.cpp | |
FEFixMesh.h | |
FEMesh.cpp | |
FEMesh.h | |
FEMeshSmoothingModifier.cpp | |
FEMeshSmoothingModifier.h | |
FENodeElementList.cpp | |
FENodeElementList.h | |
FENodeFaceList.cpp | |
FENodeFaceList.h | |
FENodeNodeList.cpp | |
FENodeNodeList.h | |
FEVTKExport.cpp | |
FEVTKExport.h | |
FEVTKImport.cpp | |
FEVTKImport.h | |
math3d.cpp | |
math3d.h | |
OptionParser.cpp | |
OptionParser.h | |
PreviewCmd.cxx | |
stdafx.h | |
itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h | |
itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.hxx | |
itkSparseKernelTransform.h | |
itkSparseKernelTransform.hxx | |
Reconstruction.cc | |
Reconstruction.h | |
▼ TinyXML | |
tinystr.cpp | |
tinystr.h | |
tinyxml.cpp | |
tinyxml.h | |
tinyxmlerror.cpp | |
tinyxmlparser.cpp | |