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Getting Started with Markdown

ShapeWorks documentation is written using Markdown, a text layout language that enables simple formatting for section headers, code samples, weblinks, and images, yet is still readable as plain text.


If you are viewing this document in GitHub, you can click on the pencil icon in the top-right corner to see its source. On GitHub, it can be used for issues and wiki documentation and edited inline.


To edit your Markdown, it helps to have a convenient viewer. The grip instant preview application is beneficial, and is installed by the install_shapeworks script (see How to Build ShapeWorks from Source?. From the ShapeWorks directory, just run grip (be sure to conda activate shapeworks beforehand), and then navigate to http://localhost:6419 in your favorite browser. It will load and display markdown files just like GitHub, showing by default. You can also specify relative paths to any markdown file below the directory from which it was run. Happy editing!

Markdown Basics

ShapeWorks uses Markdown for much of its documentation.
Here are the basics of using Markdown. The plain text is readable, and there are many editors available, such as Dillinger.
One method is to use a plain text editor along with an automatic rendering tool such as grip to view the formatted results in a browser as the files are edited.

Use hash symbols to create section headers. Use more hashes for subsequent subsections.

# Main section
## Subsection
### Sub-subsection
#### And
##### so
###### on... 

Links are created by enclosing the text shown for the link in brackets and the link directly adjacent to parenthesis. Links to other '#'-indicated sections of the document are formed using a '#' followed by the lowercase text of the section name separated with dashes. For icons, add some additional brackets and a '!'.
external site
link text
thumbs up

[external site](
[link text](#local-section-name)
[![thumbs up](](

HTML comments can be utilized within a Markdown document if you don't want something shown in the rendered output:

  commented stuff

Finally, code can be shown using triple back-ticks (the backward apostrophe: '`' ), even highlighted for a particular language by following the first set of back-ticks with the language name.

print("Hello Markdown!")
print("Hello Markdown!")

Use just a single tick to keep monospaced text inline with the rest of the text.

You can also add tables, quoted text like you'd see in an email, bulleted items, images and more. Here are several Markdown quick references.

To quickly turn a URL or email address into a link, enclose it in angle brackets.


renders as

See Also

GitHub Markdown
Markdown Guide
Markdown Editors