#ifndef MESHFIM_H
#define MESHFIM_H
#include "TriMesh.h"
#include "TriMesh_algo.h"
#include "KDtree.h"
#include "Color.h"
//#include "itkImageToImageFilter.h"
//#include "itkLevelSet.h"
//#include "itkIndex.h"
//#include "vnl/vnl_math.h"
//#include "itkDiffusionTensor3D.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <functional>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <time.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <vnl/vnl_math.h>
#include <vnl/vnl_sparse_matrix.h>
#include <vnl/algo/vnl_svd.h>
#include <vnl/algo/vnl_sparse_lu.h>
#include <vcl_legacy_aliases.h>
#include <vgl/algo/vgl_homg_operators_2d.h>
#include <vgl/vgl_conic.h>
#include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
#include <vnl/vnl_vector.h>
#include <vnl/algo/vnl_matrix_inverse.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vcl_compiler.h>
#ifndef _EPS
#define _EPS 1e-06
#define ONE 1
#define CURVATURE 2
#define GENERATE_GEO_FILES 1 // now disable till we incorporate the geodesic repulsion
// end SHIREEN
using trimesh::TriMesh;
using trimesh::vec3;
using trimesh::point;
using trimesh::KDtree;
using trimesh::Color;
class meshFIM {
typedef int VoxelIndexType;
typedef int index;
enum LabelType { MaskPoint, SeedPoint, ActivePoint, FarPoint, StopPoint, AlivePoint,ToBeAlivePoint };
TriMesh *m_meshPtr;
int NumComputation;
float imageOrigin[3];
float imageSpacing[3];
int imageSize[3];
int imageIndex[3];
std::vector<Color> colors;
void ComputeDistanceToLandmarksGivenTriangleInfo(TriMesh *mesh, const char *infilename, const char *outfilename);
void computeFIM(TriMesh *mesh, const char *vertT_filename);
void GetFeatureValues(point x, std::vector<float> &vals);
void ReadFaceIndexMap(const char *infilename);
void ReadFeatureFromFile(const char *infilename);
void ReadFeatureGradientFromFile(const char *infilename);
point GetFeatureDerivative(point p, int fIndex);
void need_abs_curvatures();
void need_edge_lengths();
void need_speed();
void need_oneringfaces();
void need_kdtree();
void SetMesh(TriMesh *mesh);
void SetStopDistance(float d) {
m_StopDistance = d;
void setSpeedType(int st) {
speedType = st;
if (st != ONE && st != CURVATURE) {
std::cout << "Impossible SpeedType set" << std::endl;
meshFIM() {
m_meshPtr = NULL;
~meshFIM() {};
std::list<index> m_ActivePoints;
std::vector<index> m_SeedPoints;
std::vector<LabelType> m_Label;
float m_StopDistance;
TriMesh *GetOutputMesh() {
return m_meshPtr;
void MeshReader(char *filename);
bool IsNonObtuse(int v, TriMesh::Face f);
void SplitFace(std::vector<TriMesh::Face> &acFaces, int v, TriMesh::Face cf, int nfAdj);
std::vector<TriMesh::Face> GetOneRing(int v);
float Upwind(index currentVert, index vet);
void InitializeAttributes(int currentVert, std::vector<int> seeds);
void CleanupAttributes();
float LocalSolver(index C, TriMesh::Face triangle, index currentVert);
void SetSeedPoint(std::vector<index> SeedPoints) {
m_SeedPoints = SeedPoints;
int getSpeedType() {
return speedType;
float GetStopDistance() {
return m_StopDistance;
void InitializeLabels();
void InitializeActivePoints();
float PointLength(point v);
void GenerateReducedData();
void loadGeodesicFile(TriMesh *mesh, const char *geoFilename);
void computeCoordXFiles(TriMesh *mesh, const char *vertT_filename);
void computeCoordYFiles(TriMesh *mesh, const char *vertT_filename);
void computeCoordZFiles(TriMesh *mesh, const char *vertT_filename);
void computeCurvFiles(TriMesh *mesh, const char *vertT_filename);
void ComputeDistanceToCurve(TriMesh *mesh, std::vector< point > curvePoints, const char *outfilename);
void physicalPointToXYZ(point x, VoxelIndexType *imageX, float imageOrigin[3], float imageSpacing[3]);
VoxelIndexType indexToLinearIndex(VoxelIndexType *imageX, int imageSize[3]);
VoxelIndexType physicalPointToLinearIndex(point x);
VoxelIndexType physicalPointToLinearIndex(point x, float imageOrigin[3], float imageSpacing[3], int imageSize[3]);
double pointTriangleDistance(point P, TriMesh::Face face, point &PP);
vec3 ComputeBarycentricCoordinates(point p, TriMesh::Face f);
void need_maxedgelength();
int FindNearestVertex(point pt);
int GetTriangleInfoForPoint(point x, TriMesh::Face &triangleX, float &alphaX, float &betaX, float &gammaX);
//Praful - for Riddhish project
float GetVirtualSource(vnl_vector<float> baryCoord, vnl_matrix<float> X, vnl_vector<float> ds, vnl_vector< float > &x0);
float ComputeThreePointApproximatedGeodesic(vnl_vector<float> x, vnl_vector<float> baryCoord, vnl_matrix<float> X, vnl_vector<float> ds, char *method);
float ComputeCanonicalForm(point s, vnl_vector<float> &x, vnl_matrix<float> &X);
float GetGeodesicDistance(int v1, int v2);
float GetBronsteinGeodesicDistance(TriMesh::Face Sa, TriMesh::Face Sb, vnl_vector <float> baryCoord_a, vnl_vector <float> baryCoord_b, char *method);
// SHIREEN - compute distance to landmarks based on geodesic approximation
float GetBronsteinGeodesicDistance(point a, point b, char *method);
void ComputeDistanceToLandmark(TriMesh *mesh, point landmark, bool apply_log, const char *outfilename);
void UpdateGeodesicMapWithDistancesFromVertices(std::vector<int> vertexIdlist);
// end SHIREEN
// SHIREEN - computing geo distance on the fly for fuzzy geodesics
int GetVertexInfoForPoint(point x);
std::vector<float> ComputeDistanceToCurve(TriMesh *mesh, std::vector< point > curvePoints);
void WriteFeaFile(TriMesh *mesh, char *outfilename);
void WriteFeaFile(std::vector<float> fea, char *outfilename);
// end SHIREEN
point ComputeFeatureDerivative(int v, int nFeature);
int speedType;
// maps face index to speedInv
std::vector<float> speedInvVector;
// maps vertex index to abs_curv
std::vector<float> abs_curv;
// maps face index to vec3 of edge lengths with edges in this order: {01, 12, 20}
std::vector<vec3> edgeLengthsVector;
// maps vertex index to vertex index to distance?
std::vector< std::map<unsigned int, float> > geodesicMap;
// maps vertex index to something to do with the geodesic computation
std::vector<float> geodesic;
// maps something to something
std::map<VoxelIndexType, std::vector<int> > faceIndexMap;
// Used for ComputeBaryCentricCoordinates when faceIndexMap is unavailable.
KDtree *kd;
// Used for GetNearestVertex;
double maxEdgeLength;
std::vector< std::vector<TriMesh::Face> > vertOneringFaces;
std::vector< std::vector<float> > features;
std::vector < std::vector<point> > featureGradients;