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itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension > Class Template Reference

This function returns an estimate of the gradient of the entropy of a particle distribution with respect to change in position of a specific particle in that distribution. More...

#include <itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >:

Public Types

typedef PSMParticleEntropyFunction Self
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef PSMCostFunction< VDimension > Superclass
typedef TGradientNumericType GradientNumericType
typedef Superclass::ParticleSystemType ParticleSystemType
typedef PSMContainerArrayAttribute< double, VDimension > SigmaCacheType
typedef Superclass::VectorType VectorType
typedef ParticleSystemType::PointType PointType
typedef vnl_vector_fixed< TGradientNumericType, VDimension > GradientVectorType
- Public Types inherited from itk::PSMCostFunction< VDimension >
typedef PSMCostFunction Self
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef LightObject Superclass
typedef PSMParticleSystem< VDimension > ParticleSystemType
typedef vnl_vector_fixed< double, VDimension > VectorType

Public Member Functions

 itkTypeMacro (PSMParticleEntropyFunction, PSMCostFunction)
 itkNewMacro (Self)
 itkStaticConstMacro (Dimension, unsigned int, VDimension)
virtual VectorType Evaluate (unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystemType *, double &) const
virtual VectorType Evaluate (unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystemType *, double &, double &) const
virtual double Energy (unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystemType *) const
virtual void ResetBuffers ()
virtual double EstimateSigma (unsigned int, const typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType &, const std::vector< double > &, const PointType &, double, double, int &err) const
TGradientNumericType AngleCoefficient (const GradientVectorType &, const GradientVectorType &) const
void SetMinimumNeighborhoodRadius (double s)
double GetMinimumNeighborhoodRadius () const
void SetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius (double s)
double GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius () const
void SetFlatCutoff (double s)
double GetFlatCutoff () const
void SetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio (double s)
double GetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio () const
void SetSpatialSigmaCache (SigmaCacheType *s)
SigmaCacheTypeGetSpatialSigmaCache ()
const SigmaCacheTypeGetSpatialSigmaCache () const
void ComputeAngularWeights (const PointType &, const typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType &, const PSMImageDomainWithGradients< TGradientNumericType, VDimension > *, std::vector< double > &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::PSMCostFunction< VDimension >
 itkTypeMacro (PSMCostFunction, LightObject)
 itkStaticConstMacro (Dimension, unsigned int, VDimension)
virtual void AfterIteration ()
virtual void BeforeIteration ()
virtual void BeforeEvaluate (unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystemType *)
virtual void SetParticleSystem (ParticleSystemType *p)
virtual ParticleSystemTypeGetParticleSystem () const
virtual void SetDomainNumber (unsigned int i)
virtual int GetDomainNumber () const

Protected Member Functions

void operator= (const PSMParticleEntropyFunction &)
 PSMParticleEntropyFunction (const PSMParticleEntropyFunction &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::PSMCostFunction< VDimension >
void operator= (const PSMCostFunction &)
 PSMCostFunction (const PSMCostFunction &)

Protected Attributes

double m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius
double m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius
double m_FlatCutoff
double m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio
SigmaCacheType::Pointer m_SpatialSigmaCache
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::PSMCostFunction< VDimension >
unsigned int m_DomainNumber

Detailed Description

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
class itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >

This function returns an estimate of the gradient of the entropy of a particle distribution with respect to change in position of a specific particle in that distribution.

The following description is an excerpt from

J Cates, P T Fletcher, M Styner, M Shenton, R Whitaker. Shape Modeling and Analysis with Entropy-Based Particle Systems. Information Processing in Medical Imaging IPMI 2007, LNCS 4584, pp. 333–345, 2007.

We treat a surface as a subset of $\Re^d$, where $d=2$ or $d=3$ depending whether we are processing curves in the plane or surfaces in a volume, refspectively. The method we describe here deals with smooth, closed manifolds of codimension one, and we will refer to such manifolds as {surfaces}. We sample a surface ${\cal S} \subset \Re^d$ using a discrete set of $N$ points that are considered random variables $Z = (X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_N)$ drawn from a probability density function (PDF), $p(X)$. We denote a realization of this PDF with lower case, and thus we have $z = (x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_N)$, where $z \in {\cal S}^N$. The probability of a realization $x$ is $p(X = x)$, which we denote simply as $p(x)$.

The amount of information contained in such a random sampling is, in the limit, the differential entropy of the PDF, which is $H[X] = -\int_S p(x) \log p(x) dx = -E\{\log p(X)\}$, where $E\{ \cdot \}$ is the expectation. When we have a sufficient number of points sampled from $p$, we can approximate the expectation by the sample mean, which gives $H[X] \approx - (1/N)\sum_{i} \log p(x_i)$. We must also estimate $p(x_i)$. Density functions on surfaces can be quite complex, and so we use a nonparametric, Parzen windowing estimation of this density using the particles themselves. Thus we have

\[ p(x_i) \approx \frac{1}{N(N-1)} \sum^N_{j=1, j \neq i} G(x_i - x_j, \sigma_i), \]

where $G(x_i - x_j, \sigma_i)$ is a $d$-dimensional, isotropic Gaussian with standard deviation $\sigma_i$. The cost function $C$, is therefore an approximation of (negative) entropy:

\[ -H[X] \approx C(x_1, \dots, x_N) = \sum_{i} \log \frac{1}{N(N-1)} \sum_{j \neq i} G(x_i - x_j, \sigma_i). \]

Josh Cates

Definition at line 84 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
typedef TGradientNumericType itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::GradientNumericType

Data type representing individual gradient components.

Definition at line 95 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
typedef Superclass::ParticleSystemType itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::ParticleSystemType

Type of particle system.

Definition at line 98 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
typedef PSMParticleEntropyFunction itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Definition at line 88 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
typedef PSMContainerArrayAttribute<double, VDimension> itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::SigmaCacheType

Cache type for the sigma values.

Definition at line 101 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
typedef Superclass::VectorType itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::VectorType

Vector & Point types.

Definition at line 104 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class TGradientNumericType , unsigned int VDimension>
TGradientNumericType itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::AngleCoefficient ( const GradientVectorType &  p_i_normal,
const GradientVectorType &  p_j_normal 
) const

Returns a weighting coefficient based on the angle between two vectors. Weights smoothly approach zero as the angle between two normals approaches 90 degrees.

Definition at line 27 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.hxx.

28 {
29  // Get the cosine of the angle between the two particles' normals
30  TGradientNumericType cosine = dot_product(p_i_normal,p_j_normal) /
31  (p_i_normal.magnitude()*p_j_normal.magnitude() + 1.0e-6);
33  // the flat region
34  if ( cosine >= m_FlatCutoff ) return 1.0;
36  // the feathered region
37  return ( cos( (m_FlatCutoff - cosine) / (1.0+m_FlatCutoff) * (3.14159265358979/2.0) )) ;
38 }
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::ComputeAngularWeights ( const PointType pos,
const typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType &  neighborhood,
const PSMImageDomainWithGradients< TGradientNumericType, VDimension > *  domain,
std::vector< double > &  weights 
) const

Compute a set of weights based on the difference in the normals of a central point and each of its neighbors. Difference of > 90 degrees results in a weight of 0.

Definition at line 43 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.hxx.

47 {
48  GradientVectorType posnormal = domain->SampleNormalVnl(pos, 1.0e-10);
49  weights.resize(neighborhood.size());
51  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neighborhood.size(); i++)
52  {
53  weights[i] = this->AngleCoefficient(posnormal,
54  domain->SampleNormalVnl(neighborhood[i].Point, 1.0e-10));
55  if (weights[i] < 1.0e-5) weights[i] = 0.0;
56  }
57 }
TGradientNumericType AngleCoefficient(const GradientVectorType &, const GradientVectorType &) const
template<class TGradientNumericType , unsigned int VDimension>
double itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::EstimateSigma ( unsigned  int,
const typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType &  neighborhood,
const std::vector< double > &  weights,
const PointType pos,
double  initial_sigma,
double  precision,
int &  err 
) const

Estimate the best sigma for Parzen windowing in a given neighborhood. The best sigma is the sigma that maximizes probability at the given point

Definition at line 62 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.hxx.

66 {
67  const double epsilon = 1.0e-5;
68  const double min_sigma = 1.0e-4;
70  const double M = static_cast<double>(VDimension);
71  const double MM = M * M * 2.0 + M;
73  double error = 1.0e6;
74  double sigma, prev_sigma;
75  sigma = initial_sigma;
77  while (error > precision)
78  {
79  VectorType r_vec;
80  double A = 0.0;
81  double B = 0.0;
82  double C = 0.0;
83  double sigma2 = sigma * sigma;
84  double sigma22 = sigma2 * 2.0;
86  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neighborhood.size(); i++)
87  {
88  if (weights[i] < epsilon) continue;
90  // if ( neighborhood[i].Index == idx) continue;
91  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < VDimension; n++)
92  {
93  r_vec[n] = pos[n] - neighborhood[i].Point[n];
94  }
96  double r = r_vec.magnitude();
97  double r2 = r*r;
98  double alpha = exp(-r2 / sigma22) * weights[i];
99  A += alpha;
100  B += r2 * alpha;
101  C += r2 * r2 * alpha;
102  } // end for i
104  prev_sigma = sigma;
106  if (A < epsilon)
107  {
108  err = 1;
109  return sigma;
110  }; // results are not meaningful
112  // First order convergence update. This is a fixed point iteration.
113  //sigma = sqrt(( 1.0 / DIM ) * ( B / A));
115  // Second order convergence update (Newton-Raphson). This is the first
116  // derivative of the negative of the probability density estimation function squared over the
117  // second derivative.
119  // old math
120  // sigma -= (sigma2 * VDimension * A * A - A * B) / (((2.0 * sigma * VDimension) * A * A -
121  // (1.0/(sigma2*sigma))*(A*C-B*B)) + epsilon);
123  // New math -- results are not obviously different?
124  sigma -= (A * (B - A * sigma2 * M)) /
125  ( (-MM * A *A * sigma) - 3.0 * A * B * (1.0 / (sigma + epsilon))
126  - (A*C + B*B) * (1.0 / (sigma2 * sigma + epsilon)) + epsilon);
128  error = 1.0 - fabs((sigma/prev_sigma));
130  // Constrain sigma.
131  if (sigma < min_sigma)
132  {
133  sigma = min_sigma;
134  error = precision; // we are done if sigma has vanished
135  }
136  else
137  {
138  if (sigma < 0.0) sigma = min_sigma;
139  }
141  } // end while (error > precision)
143  err = 0;
144  return sigma;
146 } // end estimate sigma
template<class TGradientNumericType , unsigned int VDimension>
PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::VectorType itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::Evaluate ( unsigned int  idx,
unsigned int  d,
const ParticleSystemType system,
double &  maxdt 
) const

The first argument is a pointer to the particle system. The second argument is the index of the domain within that particle system. The third argument is the index of the particle location within the given domain.

Implements itk::PSMCostFunction< VDimension >.

Definition at line 152 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.hxx.

154 {
155  // Grab a pointer to the domain. We need a Domain that has surface normal information.
156  const PSMImageDomainWithGradients<TGradientNumericType, VDimension> *
157  domain = static_cast<const PSMImageDomainWithGradients<
158  TGradientNumericType, VDimension> *>(system->GetDomain(d));
159  const double epsilon = 1.0e-6;
161  // Retrieve the previous optimal sigma value for this point. If the value is
162  // tiny (i.e. unitialized) then use a fraction of the maximum allowed
163  // neighborhood radius.
164  double sigma = m_SpatialSigmaCache->operator[](d)->operator[](idx);
165  if (sigma < epsilon)
166  { sigma = m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius / m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio;}
168  // Determine the extent of the neighborhood that will be used in the Parzen
169  // windowing estimation. The neighborhood extent is based on the optimal
170  // sigma calculation and limited to a user supplied maximum radius (probably
171  // the size of the domain).
172  double neighborhood_radius = sigma * m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio;
173  if (neighborhood_radius > m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius)
174  { neighborhood_radius = m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius; }
176  // Get the position for which we are computing the gradient.
177  PointType pos = system->GetPosition(idx, d);
179  // Get the neighborhood surrounding the point "pos".
180  typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType neighborhood
181  = system->FindNeighborhoodPoints(pos, neighborhood_radius, d);
183  // Compute the weights based on angle between the neighbors and the center.
184  std::vector<double> weights;
185  this->ComputeAngularWeights(pos,neighborhood,domain,weights);
187  // Estimate the best sigma for Parzen windowing. In some cases, such as when
188  // the neighborhood does not include enough points, the value will be bogus.
189  // In these cases, an error != 0 is returned, and we try the estimation again
190  // with an increased neighborhood radius.
191  int err;
192  sigma = this->EstimateSigma(idx, neighborhood,weights,pos, sigma, epsilon, err);
194  while (err != 0)
195  {
196  neighborhood_radius *= 2.0;
197  // Constrain the neighborhood size. If we have reached a maximum
198  // possible neighborhood size, we'll just go with that.
199  if ( neighborhood_radius > this->GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius())
200  {
201  sigma = this->GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius() / this->GetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio();
202  neighborhood_radius = this->GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius();
203  break;
204  }
205  else
206  {
207  sigma = neighborhood_radius / this->GetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio();
208  }
210  neighborhood = system->FindNeighborhoodPoints(pos, neighborhood_radius, d);
211  this->ComputeAngularWeights(pos,neighborhood,domain,weights);
212  sigma = this->EstimateSigma(idx, neighborhood, weights, pos, sigma, epsilon, err);
213  } // done while err
215  // Constrain sigma to a maximum reasonable size based on the user-supplied
216  // limit to neighborhood size.
217  if (sigma > this->GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius())
218  {
219  sigma = this->GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius() / this->GetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio();
220  neighborhood_radius = this->GetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius();
221  neighborhood = system->FindNeighborhoodPoints(pos, neighborhood_radius, d);
222  this->ComputeAngularWeights(pos,neighborhood,domain,weights);
223  }
225  // std::cout << idx << "\t SIGMA = " << sigma << "\t NEIGHBORHOOD SIZE = " << neighborhood.size()
226  // << "\t NEIGHBORHOOD RADIUS= " << neighborhood_radius << std::endl;
228  // We are done with the sigma estimation step. Cache the sigma value for
229  // next time.
230  m_SpatialSigmaCache->operator[](d)->operator[](idx) = sigma;
232  //----------------------------------------------
234  // Compute the gradients.
235  double sigma2inv = 1.0 / (2.0* sigma * sigma + epsilon);
237  VectorType r;
238  VectorType gradE;
240  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < VDimension; n++)
241  {
242  gradE[n] = 0.0;
243  }
245  double A = 0.0;
246  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neighborhood.size(); i++)
247  {
248  // if ( neighborhood[i].Index == idx) continue;
249  if (weights[i] < epsilon) continue;
251  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < VDimension; n++)
252  {
253  // Note that the Neighborhood object has already filtered the
254  // neighborhood for points whose normals differ by > 90 degrees.
255  r[n] = pos[n] - neighborhood[i].Point[n];
256  }
258  double q = exp( -dot_product(r, r) * sigma2inv);
259  A += q;
261  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < VDimension; n++)
262  {
263  gradE[n] += weights[i] * r[n] * q;
264  }
265  }
267  double p = 0.0;
268  if (A > epsilon)
269  {
270  p = -1.0 / (A * sigma * sigma);
271  }
275  // TEST
276  // vnl_vector_fixed<float, VDimension> tosurf = domain->SampleGradientVnl(pos);
277  // float tosurfmag = tosurf.magnitude() + 1.0e-5;
279  // end test
280  // float f = domain->Sample(pos);
282  for (unsigned int n = 0; n <VDimension; n++)
283  {
284  gradE[n] *= p;
285  // TEST
286  // gradE[n] += f * (tosurf[n] / tosurfmag);
287  // end test
288  }
289  // maxdt = sigma * sigma;
290  maxdt = 0.5;
292  return gradE;
293 }
void ComputeAngularWeights(const PointType &, const typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType &, const PSMImageDomainWithGradients< TGradientNumericType, VDimension > *, std::vector< double > &) const
virtual double EstimateSigma(unsigned int, const typename ParticleSystemType::PointVectorType &, const std::vector< double > &, const PointType &, double, double, int &err) const
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::itkNewMacro ( Self  )

Method for creation through the object factory.

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::itkStaticConstMacro ( Dimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimensionality of the domain of the particle system.

template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
virtual void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::ResetBuffers ( )

May be called by the solver class.

Reimplemented from itk::PSMCostFunction< VDimension >.

Definition at line 133 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

134  {
135  m_SpatialSigmaCache->ZeroAllValues();
136  }
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::SetFlatCutoff ( double  s)

The influence of particle neighbors on each other is weighted by the angle between the surface normals at their respective positions. The "flat cutoff" parameter adjusts the degree to which surface normals must differ before the weighting kicks in. Angles below the "flat cutoff" angle, which is specified in radians, are given a weighting of 1.0. Angles above this parameter value result in a lower-weight interaction between particles. Flat cutoff is set to a default value that should work for most applications. It is not necessary to set or tune this parameter unless you would like to tweak performance on a particular dataset.

Definition at line 189 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

190  { m_FlatCutoff = s; }
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::SetMaximumNeighborhoodRadius ( double  s)

Maximum radius of the neighborhood of points that are considered in the calculation. The neighborhood is a spherical radius in 3D space. MaximumNeighborhoodRadius should be set to a value equal-to or less-than the length of the largest dimension of the image. This parameter should ALWAYS be set by an application, since this class cannot know by default the size of input images. The radius value should be specified in real-world coordinates.

Definition at line 173 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

174  { m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius = s; }
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::SetMinimumNeighborhoodRadius ( double  s)

The minimum radius of the neighborhood of points that are considered in the entropy calculation. The neighborhood is a spherical radius in 3D space. The actual radius used in a calculation may exceed this value, but will not exceed the MaximumNeighborhoodRadius. This parameter should ALWAYS be set by an application, because it must be scaled according to the spacing in the image. A good value is typically 5x the spacing of the highest-resolution dimension (the dimension with the smallest spacing.

Definition at line 160 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

161  { m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius = s; }
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::SetNeighborhoodToSigmaRatio ( double  s)

NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio defines the extent of a given particle's neighborhood. A particle only interacts with neighbors in this neighborhood. All other particles on the surface are ignored. The neighborhood extent is computed as a multiple of the estimated standard deviation (sigma) of the local particle positions. This parameter has a default value that should work well for most data. It is not necessary to set or tune this parameter unless you would like to tweak performance for a particular dataset.

Definition at line 203 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

204  { m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio = s; }
template<class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
void itk::PSMParticleEntropyFunction< TGradientNumericType, VDimension >::SetSpatialSigmaCache ( SigmaCacheType s)

Access the cache of sigma values for each particle position. This cache is populated by registering this object as an observer of the correct particle system (see SetParticleSystem).

Definition at line 211 of file itkPSMParticleEntropyFunction.h.

212  { m_SpatialSigmaCache = s; }

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