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itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions > Class Template Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >:

Public Types

typedef CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform Self
typedef SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions > Superclass
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef Superclass::ScalarType ScalarType
typedef Superclass::ParametersType ParametersType
typedef Superclass::JacobianType JacobianType
typedef Superclass::InputPointType InputPointType
typedef Superclass::OutputPointType OutputPointType
typedef Superclass::InputVectorType InputVectorType
typedef Superclass::OutputVectorType OutputVectorType
typedef Superclass::InputCovariantVectorType InputCovariantVectorType
typedef Superclass::OutputCovariantVectorType OutputCovariantVectorType
typedef Superclass::PointsIterator PointsIterator
- Public Types inherited from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >
typedef SparseKernelTransform Self
typedef Transform< TScalarType, NDimensions, NDimensions > Superclass
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef Superclass::ScalarType ScalarType
typedef Superclass::ParametersType ParametersType
typedef Superclass::JacobianType JacobianType
typedef Superclass::InputPointType InputPointType
typedef Superclass::OutputPointType OutputPointType
typedef Superclass::InputVectorType InputVectorType
typedef Superclass::OutputVectorType OutputVectorType
typedef DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TScalarType, NDimensions, NDimensions, TScalarType, TScalarType > PointSetTraitsType
typedef PointSet< InputPointType, NDimensions, PointSetTraitsTypePointSetType
typedef PointSetType::Pointer PointSetPointer
typedef PointSetType::PointsContainer PointsContainer
typedef PointSetType::PointsContainerIterator PointsIterator
typedef PointSetType::PointsContainerConstIterator PointsConstIterator
typedef itk::VectorContainer< unsigned long, InputVectorTypeVectorSetType
typedef VectorSetType::Pointer VectorSetPointer
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, NDimensions, NDimensions > IMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Triplet< TScalarType > TripletType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, NDimensions, NDimensions > GMatrixType
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix< TScalarType > LMatrixType
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix< TScalarType > KMatrixType
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix< TScalarType > PMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > YMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > WMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > DMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, NDimensions, NDimensions > AMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, NDimensions, 1 > BMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, 1, NDimensions > RowMatrixType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< TScalarType, NDimensions, 1 > ColumnMatrixType

Public Member Functions

 itkNewMacro (Self)
 itkTypeMacro (CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform, SparseKernelTransform)
 itkStaticConstMacro (SpaceDimension, unsigned int, Superclass::SpaceDimension)
void SetSigma (double sigma)
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters (const InputPointType &in, JacobianType &jacobian) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >
 itkTypeMacro (SparseKernelTransform, Transform)
 itkNewMacro (Self)
 itkStaticConstMacro (SpaceDimension, unsigned int, NDimensions)
 itkGetObjectMacro (SourceLandmarks, PointSetType)
virtual void SetSourceLandmarks (PointSetType *)
 itkGetObjectMacro (TargetLandmarks, PointSetType)
virtual void SetTargetLandmarks (PointSetType *)
 itkGetObjectMacro (Displacements, VectorSetType)
void ComputeWMatrix (void) const
virtual OutputPointType TransformPoint (const InputPointType &thisPoint) const
virtual void SetIdentity ()
virtual void SetParameters (const ParametersType &)
virtual void SetFixedParameters (const ParametersType &)
virtual void UpdateParameters (void) const
virtual const ParametersTypeGetParameters (void) const
virtual const ParametersTypeGetFixedParameters (void) const
virtual void SetStiffness (double stiffness)
 itkGetMacro (Stiffness, double)

Protected Types

typedef Superclass::GMatrixType GMatrixType

Protected Member Functions

const GMatrixTypeComputeG (const InputVectorType &x) const
virtual void ComputeDeformationContribution (const InputPointType &inputPoint, OutputPointType &result) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual const GMatrixTypeComputeReflexiveG (PointsIterator) const
void ComputeK () const
void ComputeL () const
void ComputeP () const
void ComputeY () const
void ComputeD () const
void ReorganizeW (void) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >
PointSetPointer m_SourceLandmarks
PointSetPointer m_TargetLandmarks
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >
double m_Stiffness
VectorSetPointer m_Displacements
LMatrixType m_LMatrix
LMatrixType m_LMatrixInverse
KMatrixType m_KMatrix
PMatrixType m_PMatrix
YMatrixType m_YMatrix
WMatrixType m_WMatrix
DMatrixType m_DMatrix
AMatrixType m_AMatrix
BMatrixType m_BVector
GMatrixType m_GMatrix
bool m_WMatrixComputed
bool m_LMatrixComputed
bool m_LInverseComputed
IMatrixType m_I

Detailed Description

template<class TScalarType, unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
class itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >

Definition at line 29 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
typedef Superclass::GMatrixType itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::GMatrixType

These (rather redundant) typedefs are needed because on SGI, typedefs are not inherited.

Definition at line 80 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
typedef Superclass::InputPointType itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::InputPointType

These (rather redundant) typedefs are needed because on SGI, typedefs are not inherited

Definition at line 59 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
typedef Superclass::JacobianType itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::JacobianType

Jacobian Type

Definition at line 52 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
typedef Superclass::ParametersType itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::ParametersType

Parameters type.

Definition at line 49 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
typedef Superclass::ScalarType itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::ScalarType

Scalar type.

Definition at line 46 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
typedef CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Definition at line 34 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions>
void itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::ComputeDeformationContribution ( const InputPointType inputPoint,
OutputPointType &  result 
) const

Compute the contribution of the landmarks weighted by the kernel funcion to the global deformation of the space

Reimplemented from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >.

Definition at line 57 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.hxx.

59 {
61  double a = 3.0 * sqrt(3.14/2.0) * this->Sigma;
63  unsigned long numberOfLandmarks = this->m_SourceLandmarks->GetNumberOfPoints();
65  PointsIterator sp = this->m_SourceLandmarks->GetPoints()->Begin();
67  for(unsigned int lnd=0; lnd < numberOfLandmarks; lnd++ )
68  {
69  InputVectorType position = thisPoint - sp->Value();
70  const TScalarType r = (position.GetNorm())/a; // the support of the basis is only defined till 2.5*sigma
72  TScalarType val = 0.0;
73  if(r <= 1)
74  val = pow(1-r, 4.0) * (4.0*r + 1);
76  for(unsigned int odim=0; odim < NDimensions; odim++ )
77  {
78  result[ odim ] += val * this->m_DMatrix(odim,lnd);
79  }
80  ++sp;
81  }
83 }
template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions>
const CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::GMatrixType & itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::ComputeG ( const InputVectorType &  landmarkVector) const

Compute G(x) This is essentially the kernel of the transform. By overriding this method, we can obtain (among others): Elastic body spline Thin plate spline Volume spline

Reimplemented from itk::SparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >.

Definition at line 31 of file itkCompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform.hxx.

32 {
33  double a = 3.0 * sqrt(3.14/2.0) * this->Sigma;
35  const TScalarType r = (x.GetNorm())/a; // the support of the basis is only defined till 2.5*sigma
36  this->m_GMatrix = GMatrixType::Zero();
38  if (r <= 1)
39  {
40  //this->m_GMatrix.fill( NumericTraits< TScalarType >::Zero );
42  TScalarType val = pow(1-r, 4.0) * (4.0*r + 1);
43  for(unsigned int i=0; i<NDimensions; i++)
44  {
45  this->m_GMatrix(i,i) = val;
47  //this->m_GMatrix[i][i] = val;
48  }
49  }
50  return this->m_GMatrix;
51 }
template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::itkNewMacro ( Self  )

New macro for creation of through a Smart Pointer

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::itkStaticConstMacro ( SpaceDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension of the domain space.

template<class TScalarType , unsigned int NDimensions = 3>
itk::CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::itkTypeMacro ( CompactlySupportedRBFSparseKernelTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >  ,

Run-time type information (and related methods).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: