Shapeworks Studio  2.1
Shape analysis software suite
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Visualizer Class Reference

Controls display of objects in viewers. More...

#include <Visualizer.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Visualizer:
+ Collaboration diagram for Visualizer:

Public Slots

void update_viewer_properties ()
 update viewer properties (e.g. glyph size, quality, etc)

Public Member Functions

 Visualizer (Preferences &prefs)
void set_lightbox (LightboxHandle lightbox)
 set the lightbox
void set_project (ProjectHandle project)
 set the project
void set_display_mode (std::string mode)
 set display mode (original, groomed, reconstructed)
void set_center (bool center)
 turn automatic centering on/off
void set_show_glyphs (bool show)
 turn on/off glyph display
void set_show_surface (bool show)
 turn on/off surface display
void display_samples ()
 update the display using the current settings
void display_sample (size_t i)
void display_shape (const vnl_vector< double > &points)
void set_selected_point_one (int id)
void set_selected_point_two (int id)
void setMean (const vnl_vector< double > &mean)
void reset_camera ()
void update_lut ()
vnl_vector< double > getCurrentShape ()

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string MODE_ORIGINAL_C
static const std::string MODE_GROOMED_C
static const std::string MODE_RECONSTRUCTION_C

Detailed Description

Controls display of objects in viewers.

The Visualizer class maintains state and control over viewer properties. Additionally, it performs all shape-based statistical functions.

Definition at line 19 of file Visualizer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: