Shapeworks Studio  2.1
Shape analysis software suite
Eigen::LU< MatrixType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Eigen::LU< MatrixType >, including all inherited members.

Base typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
cols() const (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
ColsAtCompileTime enum value (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
ColVectorType typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
compute(const MatrixType &matrix)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
computeImage(ImageMatrixType *result) const (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >inline
computeInverse(ResultType *result) const (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >inline
computeKernel(KernelMatrixType *result) const (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >inline
determinant() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
dimensionOfKernel() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
FullPivLU()Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
FullPivLU(Index rows, Index cols)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
FullPivLU(const MatrixType &matrix)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
image() const (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >inline
FullPivLU< MatrixType >::image(const MatrixType &originalMatrix) constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
ImageResultType typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
Index typedef (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
IntColVectorType typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
IntRowVectorType typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
inverse() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
isInjective() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
isInvertible() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
isSurjective() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
kernel() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
KernelResultType typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
LU(const T &t) (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >inlineexplicit
m_colsTranspositions (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_det_pq (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_isInitialized (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_lu (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_maxpivot (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_nonzero_pivots (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_originalMatrix (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
m_p (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_prescribedThreshold (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_q (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_rowsTranspositions (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
m_usePrescribedThreshold (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >protected
matrixLU() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
MatrixType typedef (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
MaxColsAtCompileTime enum value (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
maxPivot() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
MaxRowsAtCompileTime enum value (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
nonzeroPivots() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
Options enum value (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
permutationP() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
PermutationPType typedef (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
permutationQ() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
PermutationQType typedef (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
rank() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
RealScalar typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
reconstructedMatrix() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
rows() const (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
RowsAtCompileTime enum value (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
RowVectorType typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
Scalar typedef (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >
setThreshold(const RealScalar &threshold)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
setThreshold(Default_t)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
solve(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &b, ResultType *result) const (defined in Eigen::LU< MatrixType >)Eigen::LU< MatrixType >inline
FullPivLU< MatrixType >::solve(const MatrixBase< Rhs > &b) constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline
StorageKind typedef (defined in Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >)Eigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >
threshold() constEigen::FullPivLU< MatrixType >inline