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Eigen::Diagonal< MatrixType, _DiagIndex > Class Template Reference

Expression of a diagonal/subdiagonal/superdiagonal in a matrix. More...

#include <Diagonal.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Eigen::Diagonal< MatrixType, _DiagIndex >:
+ Collaboration diagram for Eigen::Diagonal< MatrixType, _DiagIndex >:

Public Types

enum  { DiagIndex = _DiagIndex }
typedef internal::dense_xpr_base< Diagonal >::type Base
typedef internal::conditional< internal::is_lvalue< MatrixType >::value, Scalar, const Scalar >::type ScalarWithConstIfNotLvalue

Public Member Functions

 Diagonal (MatrixType &matrix, Index a_index=DiagIndex)
Index rows () const
Index cols () const
Index innerStride () const
Index outerStride () const
ScalarWithConstIfNotLvaluedata ()
const Scalar * data () const
Scalar & coeffRef (Index row, Index)
const Scalar & coeffRef (Index row, Index) const
CoeffReturnType coeff (Index row, Index) const
Scalar & coeffRef (Index idx)
const Scalar & coeffRef (Index idx) const
CoeffReturnType coeff (Index idx) const
const internal::remove_all< typename MatrixType::Nested >::type & nestedExpression () const
int index () const

Protected Attributes

MatrixType::Nested m_matrix
const internal::variable_if_dynamicindex< Index, DiagIndex > m_index

Detailed Description

template<typename MatrixType, int _DiagIndex>
class Eigen::Diagonal< MatrixType, _DiagIndex >

Expression of a diagonal/subdiagonal/superdiagonal in a matrix.

MatrixTypethe type of the object in which we are taking a sub/main/super diagonal
DiagIndexthe index of the sub/super diagonal. The default is 0 and it means the main diagonal. A positive value means a superdiagonal, a negative value means a subdiagonal. You can also use Dynamic so the index can be set at runtime.

The matrix is not required to be square.

This class represents an expression of the main diagonal, or any sub/super diagonal of a square matrix. It is the return type of MatrixBase::diagonal() and MatrixBase::diagonal(Index) and most of the time this is the only way it is used.

See also
MatrixBase::diagonal(), MatrixBase::diagonal(Index)

Definition at line 64 of file Diagonal.h.

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