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Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType > Class Template Reference

Pseudo expression providing additional coefficient-wise operations. More...

#include <Cwise.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >:

Public Types

typedef internal::traits< ExpressionType >::Scalar Scalar
typedef internal::conditional< internal::must_nest_by_value< ExpressionType >::ret, ExpressionType, const ExpressionType & >::type ExpressionTypeNested
typedef CwiseUnaryOp< internal::scalar_add_op< Scalar >, ExpressionType > ScalarAddReturnType

Public Member Functions

 Cwise (const ExpressionType &matrix)
const ExpressionType & _expression () const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE (ExpressionType, OtherDerived) operator*(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_quotient_op) operator/(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE() internal::scalar_min_op() min (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE() internal::scalar_max_op() max (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_abs_op) abs() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_abs2_op) abs2() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_square_op) square() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_cube_op) cube() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_inverse_op) inverse() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_sqrt_op) sqrt() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_exp_op) exp() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_log_op) log() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_cos_op) cos() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_sin_op) sin() const
const EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_pow_op) pow(const Scalar &exponent) const
const ScalarAddReturnType operator+ (const Scalar &scalar) const
ExpressionType & operator+= (const Scalar &scalar)
const ScalarAddReturnType operator- (const Scalar &scalar) const
ExpressionType & operator-= (const Scalar &scalar)
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & operator*= (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & operator/= (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::less) operator<(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::less_equal) operator<
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater) operator>(const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) const
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater_equal) operator>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::equal_to) operator
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE (std::not_equal_to) operator!
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::less) operator<(Scalar s) const
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::less_equal) operator<
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater) operator>(Scalar s) const
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::greater_equal) operator>
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::equal_to) operator
const EIGEN_CWISE_COMP_TO_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE (std::not_equal_to) operator!

Protected Attributes

ExpressionTypeNested m_matrix

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

const ScalarAddReturnType operator+ (const Scalar &scalar, const Cwise &mat)

Detailed Description

template<typename ExpressionType>
class Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >

Pseudo expression providing additional coefficient-wise operations.

ExpressionTypethe type of the object on which to do coefficient-wise operations

This class represents an expression with additional coefficient-wise features. It is the return type of MatrixBase::cwise() and most of the time this is the only way it is used.



This class can be extended with the help of the plugin mechanism described on the page TopicCustomizingEigen by defining the preprocessor symbol EIGEN_CWISE_PLUGIN.

See also
MatrixBase::cwise() const, MatrixBase::cwise()

Definition at line 50 of file Cwise.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE() internal::scalar_max_op() Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >::max ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 81 of file Cwise.h.

82  { return EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE(internal::scalar_max_op)(_expression(), other.derived()); }
template<typename ExpressionType>
template<typename OtherDerived >
const EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE() internal::scalar_min_op() Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >::min ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other) const

Definition at line 75 of file Cwise.h.

76  { return EIGEN_CWISE_BINOP_RETURN_TYPE(internal::scalar_min_op)(_expression(), other.derived()); }
template<typename ExpressionType >
const Cwise< ExpressionType >::ScalarAddReturnType Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator- ( const Scalar &  scalar) const

Definition at line 284 of file CwiseOperators.h.

285 {
286  return *this + (-scalar);
287 }
template<typename ExpressionType >
ExpressionType & Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator-= ( const Scalar &  scalar)

Definition at line 291 of file CwiseOperators.h.

292 {
293  return m_matrix.const_cast_derived() = *this - scalar;
294 }
template<typename ExpressionType >
template<typename OtherDerived >
ExpressionType & Eigen::Cwise< ExpressionType >::operator/= ( const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  other)

Definition at line 81 of file CwiseOperators.h.

82 {
83  return m_matrix.const_cast_derived() = *this / other;
84 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename ExpressionType>
const ScalarAddReturnType operator+ ( const Scalar &  scalar,
const Cwise< ExpressionType > &  mat 

Definition at line 101 of file Cwise.h.

102  { return mat + scalar; }

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