Name |
shapeworks |
Source code
#pragma once
namespace shapeworks {
void printNumpyArrayInfo(const py::array& np_array) {
// get input array info
auto info = np_array.request();
struct buffer_info {
void *ptr;
py::ssize_t itemsize;
std::string format;
py::ssize_t ndim;
std::vector<py::ssize_t> shape;
std::vector<py::ssize_t> strides;
std::cout << "buffer info: \n"
<< "\tinfo.ptr: " << info.ptr << std::endl
<< "writeable: " << np_array.writeable() << std::endl
<< "owns data: " << np_array.owndata() << std::endl
<< "\tinfo.itemsize: " << info.itemsize << std::endl
<< "\tinfo.format: " << info.format << std::endl
<< "\tinfo.ndim: " << info.ndim << std::endl;
std::cout << "shape ([z][y]x): ";
for (auto& n: info.shape) {
std::cout << n << " ";
std::cout << "\nstrides ([z][y]x): ";
for (auto& n: info.strides) {
std::cout << n << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
void verifyOrderAndPacking(const py::array& np_array) {
auto info = np_array.request();
// verify it's C order, not Fortran order
auto c_order = pybind11::detail::array_proxy(np_array.ptr())->flags & pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS_;
if (!c_order) {
throw std::invalid_argument("array must be C_CONTIGUOUS; use numpy.transpose() to reorder");
// verify data is densely packed by checking strides is same as shape
std::vector<py::ssize_t> strides(info.ndim, info.itemsize);
for (int i = 0; i < info.ndim-1; i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j < info.ndim; j++) {
strides[i] *= info.shape[j];
for (int i = 0; i < info.ndim; i++) {
if (info.strides[i] != strides[i]) {
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("array not densely packed in ") + std::to_string(i) +
std::string("th dimension: expected ") + std::to_string(strides[i]) +
std::string(" strides, not ") + std::to_string(info.strides[i]));
void setOwnership(py::array& array, bool owns) {
std::bitset<32> own_data_flag(pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA_);
if (!owns) {
int disown_data_flag = static_cast<int>(~own_data_flag.to_ulong());
pybind11::detail::array_proxy(array.ptr())->flags &= disown_data_flag;
else {
pybind11::detail::array_proxy(array.ptr())->flags |= static_cast<int>(own_data_flag.to_ulong());
if (array.owndata() != owns) {
throw std::runtime_error("error modifying python array ownership");
Image::ImageType::Pointer wrapNumpyArr(py::array& np_array) {
// get input array info
auto info = np_array.request();
// verify it's 3d
if (info.ndim != 3) {
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("array must be 3d, but ndim = ") + std::to_string(info.ndim));
// verify py::array (throws on error)
// array must be dtype.float32 and own its data to transfer it to Image
if (info.format != py::format_descriptor<Image::PixelType>::format()) {
// inform the user how to create correct type array rather than copy
throw std::invalid_argument("array must be same dtype as Image; convert using `np.array(arr, dtype=np.float32)`");
if (!np_array.owndata()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("error: numpy array does not own data (see `arr.flags()`) to be transferred to Image");
// Pass ownership of the array to Image to prevent Python from
// deallocating (the shapeworks Image will dealloate when it's time).
setOwnership(np_array, false);
// import data, passing ownership of memory to ensure there will be no leak
using ImportType = itk::ImportImageFilter<Image::PixelType, 3>;
auto importer = ImportType::New();
ImportType::SizeType size; // i.e., Dims (remember numpy orders zyx)
size[0] = np_array.shape()[2];
size[1] = np_array.shape()[1];
size[2] = np_array.shape()[0];
assert(size[0]*size[1]*size[2]*sizeof(Image::PixelType) == np_array.size());
importer->SetImportPointer(static_cast<Image::PixelType *>(info.ptr),
true /*importer take_ownership*/);
ImportType::IndexType start({0,0,0}); // i.e., Coord
ImportType::RegionType region;
return importer->GetOutput();
Array pyToArr(py::array& np_array) {
// Verify the data is of appropriate size, shape, type, and ownership.
// get input array info
auto info = np_array.request();
// verify py::array (throws on error)
// verify format
if (!(info.format == py::format_descriptor<float>::format() ||
info.format == py::format_descriptor<double>::format())) {
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("numpy dtype ") + std::string(info.format) + std::string(" not yet accepted (currently only float32 and float64) (i.e., " + py::format_descriptor<float>::format()) + " and " + py::format_descriptor<double>::format() + ")");
// verify dims (ex: 2d is an array of vectors, 1d is an array of scalars)
if (info.ndim < 1 || info.ndim > 2) {
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("array must be either 1d or 2d, but ndim = ") + std::to_string(info.ndim));
// array must own its data to transfer it to Image
// NOTE: it could be shared, but this avoids a potential dangling pointer
if (!np_array.owndata()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("numpy array must own the data to be transferred to Mesh (maybe pass `arr.copy()`)");
// Create the vtkDataArray and pass the numpy data in.
// determine nvalues, ncomponents
auto nvalues = info.shape[0];
auto ncomponents = info.ndim > 1 ? info.shape[1] : 1;
// create vtkDataArray pointer, set number of components, allocate and pass data
auto vtkarr = Array();
if (info.format == py::format_descriptor<float>::format()) {
auto arr = vtkFloatArray::New();
arr->SetArray(static_cast<float*>(info.ptr), nvalues * ncomponents, 0 /*0 passes ownership*/);
vtkarr = arr;
else if (info.format == py::format_descriptor<double>::format()) {
auto arr = vtkDoubleArray::New();
arr->SetArray(static_cast<double*>(info.ptr), nvalues * ncomponents, 0 /*0 passes ownership*/);
vtkarr = arr;
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("numpy dtype not yet accepted (currently only float32 and float64)");
// Other options: vtkUnsignedShortArray, vtkUnsignedLongLongArray, vtkUnsignedLongArray, vtkUnsignedIntArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray, vtkSignedCharArray, vtkShortArray, vtkLongLongArray, vtkLongArray, vtkIntArray, vtkIdTypeArray, vtkFloatArray, vtkDoubleArray, vtkCharArray, and vtkBitArray.
// prevent Python from deallocating since vtk will do that when it's time
setOwnership(np_array, false);
return vtkarr;
enum ArrayTransferOptions {
COPY_ARRAY, // copies and (by definition) grants ownership
SHARE_ARRAY, // does not copy or grant ownership
MOVE_ARRAY // does not copy, grants ownership if possible
py::array arrToPy(Array& array, ArrayTransferOptions xfer = COPY_ARRAY) {
const size_t elemsize = array->GetElementComponentSize();
auto shape = std::vector<size_t> { static_cast<size_t>(array->GetNumberOfTuples()) };
if (array->GetNumberOfComponents() > 1) {
auto strides = std::vector<size_t>();
if (array->GetNumberOfComponents() > 1) {
strides = std::vector<size_t> {
static_cast<size_t>(array->GetNumberOfComponents() * elemsize),
else {
strides = std::vector<size_t> { elemsize };
py::dtype py_type;
if (vtkDoubleArray::SafeDownCast(array)) {
py_type = py::dtype::of<double>();
else if (vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(array)) {
py_type = py::dtype::of<float>();
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("arrToPy passed currently unhandled array type");
// Other options: vtkUnsignedShortArray, vtkUnsignedLongLongArray, vtkUnsignedLongArray, vtkUnsignedIntArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray, vtkSignedCharArray, vtkShortArray, vtkLongLongArray, vtkLongArray, vtkIntArray, vtkIdTypeArray, vtkFloatArray, vtkDoubleArray, vtkCharArray, and vtkBitArray.
#if 0
std::cout << "type of array: " << typeid(array).name() << std::endl
<< "X (num_components): " << array->GetNumberOfComponents() << std::endl
<< "Y (num_tuples): " << array->GetNumberOfTuples() << std::endl
<< "sizeof(element): " << array->GetElementComponentSize() << std::endl
<< "py_type: " << py_type.kind() << std::endl
<< "size: " << py_type.itemsize() << std::endl;
py::str dummyDataOwner;
py::array img{
(xfer == COPY_ARRAY ? pybind11::handle() : dummyDataOwner)
if (xfer == MOVE_ARRAY) {
if (array->GetReferenceCount() == 1) {
array->SetReferenceCount(2); // NOTE: tricks vtk into never deleting this array
setOwnership(img, true);
else {
// If array has other references, it will only be shared with Python.
std::cerr << "NOTE: sharing array (unable to transfer ownership from C++)" << std::endl;
// set c-contiguous and not f-contiguous, not both (i.e., "NPY_ARRAY_FORCECAST_")
std::bitset<32> f_order_flag = pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_F_CONTIGUOUS_;
f_order_flag = ~f_order_flag;
int f_order_flag_int = static_cast<int>(f_order_flag.to_ulong());
pybind11::detail::array_proxy(img.ptr())->flags &= f_order_flag_int;
pybind11::detail::array_proxy(img.ptr())->flags |= pybind11::detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS_;
return img;
Updated on 2022-03-31 at 09:51:19 -0600