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class itk::ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain

Source code

  Copyright (c) 2009 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute.
  See ShapeWorksLicense.txt for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
#pragma once

#include "itkParticleImageDomainWithCurvature.h"

#include "vnl/vnl_inverse.h"

#include "TriMesh.h"
#include "TriMesh_algo.h"

#include "meshFIM.h"

namespace itk
template <class T>
class ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain : public ParticleImageDomainWithCurvature<T>
  typedef ParticleImageDomainWithCurvature<T> Superclass;
  typedef SmartPointer<ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain>  Pointer;

  typedef typename Superclass::ImageType ImageType;
  typedef typename Superclass::PointType PointType;


  virtual void SetTolerance(const T _Tolerance) {
    if (this->m_Tolerance != _Tolerance)
      this->m_Tolerance = _Tolerance;
  virtual T GetTolerance() {
    return this->m_Tolerance;

  shapeworks::DomainType GetDomainType() const override {
    return shapeworks::DomainType::Image;

  virtual bool ApplyConstraints(PointType &p, int idx, bool dbg = false) const override;

  inline PointType UpdateParticlePosition(const PointType &point, int idx, vnl_vector_fixed<double, DIMENSION> &update) const override {
    PointType newpoint;

    // Master merge conflict

    //vnl_vector_fixed<float, DIMENSION> negativeUpdate;
    //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMENSION; i++) { negativeUpdate[i] = -update[i]; }
    //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMENSION; i++) { newpoint[i] = point[i] + negativeUpdate[i]; }

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { newpoint[i] = point[i] - update[i]; }

    //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMENSION; i++) { newpoint[i] = point[i] - update[i]; }

    // debuggg
    ApplyConstraints(newpoint, idx);

    // debuggg
    if(!this->GetConstraints()->IsAnyViolated(point) && this->GetConstraints()->IsAnyViolated(newpoint)){
        std::cerr << "####### Violation within apply constraints #######" << std::endl;

    if(point[2] >= 0 && newpoint[2] < 0){
        std::cerr << "NewPoint " << newpoint << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Point " << point << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Update " << update << std::endl;
    return newpoint;

  void SetMesh(TriMesh *mesh);
  void SetFeaMesh(const char *feaFile);
  void SetFeaGrad(const char *feaGradFile);
  void SetFids(const char *fidsFile);
  meshFIM* GetMesh()
      return m_mesh;
  meshFIM* GetMesh() const
      return m_mesh;

    PointType GetZeroCrossingPoint() const override {
      PointType p;
      // TODO Hong
      // Return point that doesn't violate plane constraints.
      return p;

  ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain() : m_Tolerance(1.0e-4)
    m_mesh = NULL;
  void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const
    Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
    os << indent << "m_Tolerance = " << m_Tolerance << std::endl;
  virtual ~ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain() {};

  T m_Tolerance;

  meshFIM *m_mesh;


} // end namespace itk

#include "itkParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain.txx"

Updated on 2022-03-31 at 09:51:19 -0600