Program: ShapeWorks: Particle-based Shape Correspondence & Visualization
Module: $RCSfile: itkParticleDualVectorFunction.h,v $
Date: $Date: 2011/03/24 01:17:33 $
Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
Author: $Author: wmartin $
Copyright (c) 2009 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute.
See ShapeWorksLicense.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef __itkParticleDualVectorFunction_h
#define __itkParticleDualVectorFunction_h
#include "itkLightObject.h"
#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
#include "itkWeakPointer.h"
#include "itkParticleSystem.h"
#include "vnl/vnl_vector_fixed.h"
namespace itk
template <unsigned int VDimension>
class ParticleDualVectorFunction : public ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>
typedef ParticleDualVectorFunction Self;
typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
typedef ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension> Superclass;
itkTypeMacro( ParticleDualVectorFunction, ParticleVectorFunction);
typedef typename Superclass::ParticleSystemType ParticleSystemType;
typedef typename Superclass::VectorType VectorType;
itkStaticConstMacro(Dimension, unsigned int, VDimension);
virtual VectorType Evaluate(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d,
const ParticleSystemType *system,
double &maxmove) const
double maxA, maxB, maxC;
maxA = 0; maxB = 0; maxC = 0;
VectorType ansA; ansA.fill(0.0);
VectorType ansB; ansB.fill(0.0);
VectorType ansC; ansC.fill(0.0);
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_Counter = m_Counter + 1.0;
// evaluate individual functions: A = surface energy, B = correspondence
if (m_AOn == true)
ansA = m_FunctionA->Evaluate(idx, d, system, maxA);
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_AverageGradMagA = m_AverageGradMagA + ansA.magnitude();
if (m_BOn == true)
ansB = m_FunctionB->Evaluate(idx, d, system, maxB);
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_AverageGradMagB = m_AverageGradMagB + ansB.magnitude();
if( m_RelativeGradientScaling == 0.0)
maxB = 0.0;
// get maxmove and predicted move for current configuration
VectorType predictedMove; predictedMove.fill(0.0);
if (m_BOn == true)
if (m_AOn == true) // both A and B are active
if (maxB > maxA)
maxmove = maxB;
maxmove = maxA;
maxmove = maxA; // always driven by the sampling to decrease the senstivity to covariance regularization
predictedMove = ansA + m_RelativeGradientScaling * ansB;
return (predictedMove);
else // B is active, A is not active
maxmove = maxB;
predictedMove = ansB;
return (predictedMove);
else // only A is active
maxmove = maxA;
return ansA;
maxmove = 0.0;
return ansA;
virtual double EnergyA(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d, const ParticleSystemType *system) const
m_FunctionA->BeforeEvaluate(idx, d, system);
double ansA = 0.0;
if (m_AOn == true)
ansA = m_FunctionA->Energy(idx, d, system);
return ansA;
virtual double EnergyB(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d, const ParticleSystemType *system) const
m_FunctionB->BeforeEvaluate(idx, d, system);
double ansB = 0.0;
if (m_BOn == true)
ansB = m_FunctionB->Energy(idx, d, system);
ansB *= m_RelativeEnergyScaling;
return ansB;
virtual double Energy(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d, const ParticleSystemType *system) const
double ansA = 0.0;
double ansB = 0.0;
double ansC = 0.0;
double finalEnergy = 0.0;
// evaluate individual functions: A = surface energy, B = correspondence
if (m_AOn == true)
ansA = m_FunctionA->Energy(idx, d, system);
if (m_BOn == true)
ansB = m_FunctionB->Energy(idx, d, system);
if( m_RelativeEnergyScaling == 0)
ansB = 0.0;
// compute final energy for current configuration
if (m_BOn == true)
if (m_AOn == true) // both A and B are active
finalEnergy = ansA + m_RelativeEnergyScaling * ansB;
return (finalEnergy);
else // B is active, A is not active
finalEnergy = ansB;
return finalEnergy ;
else // only A is active
return ansA;
return 0.0;
virtual VectorType Evaluate(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d,
const ParticleSystemType *system,
double &maxmove, double &energy) const
double maxA = 0.0;
double maxB = 0.0;
double energyA = 0.0;
double energyB = 0.0;
VectorType ansA; ansA.fill(0.0);
VectorType ansB; ansB.fill(0.0);
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_Counter = m_Counter + 1.0;
// evaluate individual functions: A = surface energy, B = correspondence
if (m_AOn == true)
ansA = m_FunctionA->Evaluate(idx, d, system, maxA, energyA);
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_AverageGradMagA = m_AverageGradMagA + ansA.magnitude();
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_AverageEnergyA = m_AverageEnergyA + energyA;
if (m_BOn == true)
ansB = m_FunctionB->Evaluate(idx, d, system, maxB, energyB);
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_AverageGradMagB = m_AverageGradMagB + ansB.magnitude();
const_cast<ParticleDualVectorFunction *>(this)->m_AverageEnergyB = m_AverageEnergyB + energyB;
if( m_RelativeEnergyScaling == 0.0)
energyB = 0.0;
if (m_RelativeGradientScaling == 0.0)
maxB = 0.0;
// compute final energy, maxmove and predicted move based on current configuration
VectorType predictedMove; predictedMove.fill(0.0);
if (m_BOn == true)
if (m_AOn == true) // both A and B are active
if (maxB > maxA)
maxmove = maxB;
maxmove = maxA;
energy = energyA + m_RelativeEnergyScaling * energyB;
maxmove = maxA; // always driven by the sampling to decrease the senstivity to covariance regularization
predictedMove = ansA + m_RelativeGradientScaling * ansB;
return (predictedMove);
else // only B is active, A is not active
maxmove = maxB;
energy = energyB;
predictedMove = ansB;
return (predictedMove);
else // only A is active
maxmove = maxA;
energy = energyA;
return ansA;
maxmove = 0.0;
return ansA;
virtual void BeforeEvaluate(unsigned int idx, unsigned int d,
const ParticleSystemType *system)
if (m_AOn == true)
m_FunctionA->BeforeEvaluate(idx, d, system);
if (m_BOn == true)
m_FunctionB->BeforeEvaluate(idx, d, system);
virtual void AfterIteration()
if (m_AOn) m_FunctionA->AfterIteration();
if (m_BOn)
virtual void BeforeIteration()
if (m_AOn) m_FunctionA->BeforeIteration();
if (m_BOn)
m_AverageGradMagA = 0.0;
m_AverageGradMagB = 0.0;
m_AverageEnergyA = 0.0;
m_Counter = 0.0;
virtual void SetParticleSystem( ParticleSystemType *p)
if (m_FunctionA.GetPointer() != 0) m_FunctionA->SetParticleSystem(p);
if (m_FunctionB.GetPointer() != 0) m_FunctionB->SetParticleSystem(p);
void SetDomainNumber( unsigned int i)
if (m_FunctionA.GetPointer() != 0) m_FunctionA->SetDomainNumber(i);
if (m_FunctionB.GetPointer() != 0) m_FunctionB->SetDomainNumber(i);
void SetFunctionA( ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension> *o)
m_FunctionA = o;
ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension> * GetFunctionA()
return m_FunctionA.GetPointer();
ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension> * GetFunctionB()
return m_FunctionB.GetPointer();
void SetFunctionB( ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension> *o)
m_FunctionB = o;
void SetAOn() { m_AOn = true; }
void SetAOff() { m_AOn = false; }
void SetAOn(bool s) { m_AOn = s; }
bool GetAOn() const { return m_AOn; }
void SetBOn() { m_BOn = true; }
void SetBOff() { m_BOn = false; }
void SetBOn(bool s) { m_BOn = s; }
bool GetBOn() const { return m_BOn; }
void SetRelativeEnergyScaling(double r)
m_RelativeEnergyScaling = r;
double GetRelativeEnergyScaling() const
return m_RelativeEnergyScaling;
void SetRelativeGradientScaling(double r)
m_RelativeGradientScaling = r;
double GetRelativeGradientScaling() const
return m_RelativeGradientScaling;
double GetAverageGradMagA() const
if (m_Counter != 0.0) return m_AverageGradMagA / m_Counter;
else return 0.0;
double GetAverageGradMagB() const
if (m_Counter != 0.0) return m_AverageGradMagB / m_Counter;
else return 0.0;
double GetAverageEnergyA() const
if (m_Counter != 0.0) return m_AverageEnergyA / m_Counter;
else return 0.0;
double GetAverageEnergyB() const
if (m_Counter != 0.0) return m_AverageEnergyB / m_Counter;
else return 0.0;
virtual typename ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer Clone()
typename ParticleDualVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer copy = ParticleDualVectorFunction<VDimension>::New();
copy->m_AOn = this->m_AOn;
copy->m_BOn = this->m_BOn;
copy->m_RelativeGradientScaling = this->m_RelativeGradientScaling;
copy->m_RelativeEnergyScaling = this->m_RelativeEnergyScaling;
copy->m_AverageGradMagA = this->m_AverageGradMagA;
copy->m_AverageGradMagB = this->m_AverageGradMagB;
copy->m_AverageEnergyA = this->m_AverageEnergyA;
copy->m_AverageEnergyB = this->m_AverageEnergyB;
copy->m_Counter = this->m_Counter;
if (this->m_FunctionA) copy->m_FunctionA = this->m_FunctionA->Clone();
if (this->m_FunctionB) copy->m_FunctionB = this->m_FunctionB->Clone();
if (!copy->m_FunctionA) copy->m_AOn = false;
if (!copy->m_FunctionB) copy->m_BOn = false;
copy->m_DomainNumber = this->m_DomainNumber;
copy->m_ParticleSystem = this->m_ParticleSystem;
return (typename ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer)copy;
ParticleDualVectorFunction() : m_AOn(true), m_BOn(false),
m_RelativeEnergyScaling(1.0) {}
virtual ~ParticleDualVectorFunction() {}
void operator=(const ParticleDualVectorFunction &);
ParticleDualVectorFunction(const ParticleDualVectorFunction &);
bool m_AOn;
bool m_BOn;
double m_RelativeGradientScaling;
double m_RelativeEnergyScaling;
double m_AverageGradMagA;
double m_AverageGradMagB;
double m_AverageEnergyA;
double m_AverageEnergyB;
double m_Counter;
typename ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer m_FunctionA;
typename ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer m_FunctionB;
} //end namespace
//# include "Templates/itkParticleDualVectorFunction+-.h"
//# include "itkParticleDualVectorFunction.txx"