Name | |
struct | SimilarityTransform3D |
class | Procrustes3D |
Source code
Program: ShapeWorks: Particle-based Shape Correspondence & Visualization
Module: $RCSfile: Procrustes3D.h,v $
Date: $Date: 2009/05/06 21:49:15 $
Version: $Revision: $
Author: $Author: cates $
Copyright (c) 2009 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute.
See ShapeWorksLicense.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
updated by Shireen Elhabian (Dec. 2013)
consolidated with ITKParticleSystem/Procrustes (Shireen Aug 2019)
#ifndef __Procrustes3D_h
#define __Procrustes3D_h
#include <vector>
#include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
#include <vnl/vnl_vector_fixed.h>
#include <vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed.h>
struct SimilarityTransform3D
vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 3, 3> rotation;
double scale;
vnl_vector_fixed<double, 3> translation;
class Procrustes3D
typedef double RealType;
typedef vnl_vector_fixed<double, 3> PointType;
typedef std::vector<PointType> ShapeType;
typedef ShapeType::iterator ShapeIteratorType;
typedef std::vector<ShapeType> ShapeListType;
typedef ShapeListType::iterator ShapeListIteratorType;
typedef std::vector<SimilarityTransform3D> SimilarityTransformListType;
typedef SimilarityTransformListType::iterator
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 3+1, 3+1> TransformMatrixType;
typedef std::vector<TransformMatrixType> TransformMatrixListType;
typedef TransformMatrixListType::iterator TransformMatrixIteratorType;
Procrustes3D() : m_Scaling(true), m_RotationTranslation(true) { }
Procrustes3D(bool do_scaling, bool do_rotation_translation) : m_Scaling(do_scaling), m_RotationTranslation(do_rotation_translation) { }
bool GetScaling() const
{ return m_Scaling; }
void ScalingOn()
{ m_Scaling = true; }
void ScalingOff()
{ m_Scaling = false; }
bool GetRotationTranslation() const
{ return m_RotationTranslation; }
void RotationTranslationOn()
{ m_RotationTranslation = true; }
void RotationTranslationOff()
{ m_RotationTranslation = false; }
// Align a list of shapes using Generalized Procrustes Analysis
void AlignShapes(SimilarityTransformListType & transforms,
ShapeListType & shapes);
void RemoveTranslation(SimilarityTransformListType & transforms,
ShapeListType & shapes);
// Helper function to transform a shape by a similarity transform
static void TransformShape(ShapeType & shape,
SimilarityTransform3D & transform);
// Helper function to transform a list of shapes by a list of transforms
static void TransformShapes(ShapeListType & shapes,
SimilarityTransformListType & transforms);
static RealType ComputeSumOfSquares(ShapeListType & shapes);
// Transform from Configuration space to Procrustes space. Translation
// followed by rotation and scaling.
void ConstructTransformMatrices(SimilarityTransformListType & transforms,TransformMatrixListType & transformMatrices);
void ConstructTransformMatrix(SimilarityTransform3D & transform,TransformMatrixType & transformMatrix);
void ComputeMeanShape(ShapeType & mean, ShapeListType & shapeList);
void ComputeCenterOfMass(ShapeType & shape, PointType& center);
void CenterShape(ShapeType & shape);
// this is the center which needed for translation of the shapes to coincide on the image origin
// so that the whole object is in the image and won't go outside
void ComputeCommonCenter(SimilarityTransformListType & transforms,PointType& center);
// Align source shape to target using Ordinary Procrustes Analysis (translation, scaling and rotation)
// the target shape is assumed to be centered at the origin
void AlignSourceToTarget(SimilarityTransform3D & transform,
ShapeType & target, ShapeType & source);
/* The median shape is
defined as the shape with the minimum sum of Euclidean L1 norms to all
other shapes in that group. */
int ComputeMedianShape(ShapeListType & shapeList);
// Align two shapes (rotation & scale) using Ordinary Procrustes Analysis
void AlignTwoShapes(SimilarityTransform3D & transform,
ShapeType & shape1, ShapeType & shape2);
// const RealType SOS_EPSILON = 1.0e-8;
bool m_Scaling; // a flag to factor out scaling
bool m_RotationTranslation; // a flag for rotation + translation + (scale depending on m_Scaling), if false, the transformation will only be scaling
Updated on 2022-03-31 at 09:51:19 -0600