#pragma once
#include "Shapeworks.h"
#include "ImageUtils.h"
class vtkCellLocator;
#include <vtkPointData.h>
namespace shapeworks {
class Mesh
enum AlignmentType { Rigid, Similarity, Affine };
enum DistanceMethod { PointToPoint, PointToCell };
enum CurvatureType { Principal, Gaussian, Mean };
enum SubdivisionType { Butterfly, Loop };
using MeshType = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>;
Mesh(const std::string& pathname) : mesh(read(pathname)) {}
Mesh(MeshType meshPtr) : mesh(meshPtr) { if (!mesh) throw std::invalid_argument("null meshPtr"); }
Mesh(const Mesh& orig) : mesh(MeshType::New()) { mesh->DeepCopy(orig.mesh); }
Mesh(Mesh&& orig) : mesh(orig.mesh) { orig.mesh = nullptr; }
Mesh& operator=(const Mesh& orig) { mesh = MeshType::New(); mesh->DeepCopy(orig.mesh); return *this; }
Mesh& operator=(Mesh&& orig) { mesh = orig.mesh; orig.mesh = nullptr; return *this; }
Mesh& operator+=(const Mesh& otherMesh);
MeshType getVTKMesh() const { return this->mesh; }
Mesh& write(const std::string &pathname, bool binaryFile = false);
Mesh& coverage(const Mesh& otherMesh, bool allowBackIntersections = true,
double angleThreshold = 0, double backSearchRadius = 0);
Mesh& smooth(int iterations = 0, double relaxation = 0.0);
Mesh& smoothSinc(int iterations = 0, double passband = 0.0);
Mesh& remesh(int numVertices, double adaptivity = 1.0);
Mesh& remeshPercent(double percentage, double adaptivity = 1.0);
Mesh& invertNormals();
Mesh& reflect(const Axis &axis, const Vector3 &origin = makeVector({ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }));
MeshTransform createTransform(const Mesh &target, AlignmentType align = Similarity, unsigned iterations = 10);
Mesh& applyTransform(const MeshTransform transform);
Mesh& fillHoles();
Mesh& probeVolume(const Image &image);
Mesh& clip(const Plane plane);
Mesh& translate(const Vector3 &v);
Mesh& scale(const Vector3 &v);
PhysicalRegion boundingBox() const;
Mesh& fixElement();
Mesh& distance(const Mesh &target, const DistanceMethod method = PointToPoint);
Mesh& clipClosedSurface(const Plane plane);
Mesh& computeNormals();
Point3 closestPoint(const Point3 point);
int closestPointId(const Point3 point);
double geodesicDistance(int source, int target);
Field geodesicDistance(const Point3 landmark);
Field geodesicDistance(const std::vector<Point3> curve);
Field curvature(const CurvatureType type = Principal);
Mesh& applySubdivisionFilter(const SubdivisionType type = Butterfly, int subdivision = 1);
Image toImage(PhysicalRegion region = PhysicalRegion(), Point spacing = Point({1., 1., 1.})) const;
Image toDistanceTransform(PhysicalRegion region = PhysicalRegion(), Point spacing = Point({1., 1., 1.})) const;
// query functions //
Point3 center() const;
Point3 centerOfMass() const;
int numPoints() const { return mesh->GetNumberOfPoints(); }
int numFaces() const { return mesh->GetNumberOfCells(); }
Eigen::MatrixXd points() const;
Eigen::MatrixXi faces() const;
Point3 getPoint(int id) const;
IPoint3 getFace(int id) const;
// fields of mesh points //
std::vector<std::string> getFieldNames() const;
Mesh& setField(std::string name, Array array);
Mesh& setFieldForFaces(std::string name, Array array);
template<typename T>
vtkSmartPointer<T> getField(const std::string& name) const
if (mesh->GetPointData()->GetNumberOfArrays() < 1)
throw std::invalid_argument("Mesh has no fields.");
auto rawarr = mesh->GetPointData()->GetArray(name.c_str());
return rawarr;
void setFieldValue(const std::string& name, int idx, double value);
double getFieldValue(const std::string& name, int idx) const;
Eigen::VectorXd getMultiFieldValue(const std::string& name, int idx) const;
std::vector<double> getFieldRange(const std::string& name) const;
double getFieldMean(const std::string& name) const;
double getFieldStd(const std::string& name) const;
// fields of mesh faces //
// todo: add support for fields of mesh faces (ex: their normals)
// mesh comparison //
bool compareAllPoints(const Mesh& other_mesh) const;
bool compareAllFaces(const Mesh& other_mesh) const;
bool compareAllFields(const Mesh& other_mesh, const double eps=-1.0) const;
bool compareField(const Mesh& other_mesh, const std::string& name1, const std::string& name2="", const double eps=-1.0) const;
// todo: add support for comparison of fields of mesh faces (ex: their normals)
bool compare(const Mesh& other_mesh, const double eps=-1.0) const;
bool operator==(const Mesh& other) const { return compare(other); }
// public static functions //
static std::vector<std::string> getSupportedTypes() { return {"vtk", "vtp", "ply", "stl", "obj"}; }
bool splitMesh(std::vector< std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > > boundaries, Eigen::Vector3d query, size_t dom, size_t num);
double getFFCValue(Eigen::Vector3d query);
Eigen::Vector3d getFFCGradient(Eigen::Vector3d query);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> getIGLMesh(Eigen::MatrixXd& V, Eigen::MatrixXi& F) const; // Copied directly from VtkMeshWrapper. this->poly_data_ becomes this->mesh. // WARNING: Copied directly from Meshwrapper. TODO: When refactoring, take this into account.
friend struct SharedCommandData;
Mesh() : mesh(nullptr) {} // only for use by SharedCommandData since a Mesh should always be valid, never "empty"
static MeshType read(const std::string& pathname);
MeshTransform createRegistrationTransform(const Mesh &target, AlignmentType align = Similarity, unsigned iterations = 10);
MeshType mesh;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellLocator> locator;
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3d> setGradientFieldForFFCs(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> absvalues, Eigen::MatrixXd V, Eigen::MatrixXi F);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> setDistanceToBoundaryValueFieldForFFCs(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> values, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points, std::vector<size_t> boundaryVerts, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> inout, Eigen::MatrixXd V, Eigen::MatrixXi F, size_t dom);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> computeInOutForFFCs(Eigen::Vector3d query, MeshType halfmesh);
Eigen::Vector3d computeBarycentricCoordinates(const Eigen::Vector3d& pt, int face) const; // // WARNING: Copied directly from Meshwrapper. TODO: When refactoring, take this into account.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Mesh& mesh);
} // shapeworks