Shapeworks Studio
Shape analysis software suite
This is the complete list of members for Shape, including all inherited members.
get_exclusion_sphere_centers() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_exclusion_sphere_radii() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_global_correspondence_points() | Shape | |
get_global_point_filename() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_global_point_filename_with_path() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_groomed_filename() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_groomed_filename_with_path() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_groomed_image() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_groomed_mesh() | Shape | |
get_id() | Shape | |
get_local_correspondence_points() | Shape | |
get_local_point_filename() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_local_point_filename_with_path() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_original_filename() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_original_filename_with_path() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_original_image() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
get_original_mesh() | Shape | |
get_reconstructed_mesh() | Shape | |
import_global_point_file(QString filename) | Shape | |
import_groomed_file(QString filename, double iso) | Shape | |
import_groomed_image(ImageType::Pointer img, double iso) | Shape | |
import_local_point_file(QString filename) | Shape | |
import_original_image(std::string filename, float iso_value) | Shape | |
import_points(std::vector< itk::Point< float > > points, bool local) | Shape | |
set_exclusion_sphere_centers(QList< Point > centers) (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
set_exclusion_sphere_radii(QList< double > radii) (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
set_id(int id) | Shape | |
set_reconstructed_mesh(vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > poly_data) (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
Shape() (defined in Shape) | Shape | |
~Shape() (defined in Shape) | Shape |