Shapeworks Studio  2.1
Shape analysis software suite
FECoreMesh Member List

This is the complete list of members for FECoreMesh, including all inherited members.

Create(int nodes, int elems, int faces=0, int edges=0)=0FECoreMeshpure virtual
Edge(int n) (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
EdgePtr(int n=0) (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
Edges() const (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
ElementPtr(int n=0)=0FECoreMeshpure virtual
ElementRef(int n)=0FECoreMeshpure virtual
Elements() const =0FECoreMeshpure virtual
Face(int n) (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
FacePtr(int n=0) (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
Faces() const (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
IsType(int ntype)FECoreMesh
Node(int n) (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
NodePtr(int n=0) (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline
Nodes() const (defined in FECoreMesh)FECoreMeshinline