Seg3D  2.4
Seg3D is a free volume segmentation and processing tool developed by the NIH Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing at the University of Utah Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute.
Public Member Functions | List of all members
Seg3D::LayerAction Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Seg3D::LayerAction:
Core::Action RadialBasisFunction::ActionRadialBasisFunction Seg3D::ActionAddTransformsFilter Seg3D::ActionAndFilter Seg3D::ActionArithmeticFilter Seg3D::ActionAssembleFilter Seg3D::ActionBlobFeatureEnhancementFilter Seg3D::ActionCannyEdgeDetectionFilter Seg3D::ActionCLAHEFilter Seg3D::ActionConfidenceConnectedFilter Seg3D::ActionConnectedComponentFilter Seg3D::ActionConnectedComponentSizeFilter Seg3D::ActionCopy Seg3D::ActionCrop Seg3D::ActionCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionFilter Seg3D::ActionDeleteLayers Seg3D::ActionDilateErodeFilter Seg3D::ActionDilateFilter Seg3D::ActionDiscreteGaussianFilter Seg3D::ActionDistanceFilter Seg3D::ActionErodeFilter Seg3D::ActionExtractDataLayer Seg3D::ActionFFTFilter Seg3D::ActionFillHolesFilter Seg3D::ActionFloodFill Seg3D::ActionGradientAnisotropicDiffusionFilter Seg3D::ActionGradientMagnitudeFilter Seg3D::ActionHistogramEqualizationFilter Seg3D::ActionImportLargeVolumeLayer Seg3D::ActionImportLayer Seg3D::ActionImportSeries Seg3D::ActionIntensityCorrectionFilter Seg3D::ActionInvert Seg3D::ActionIterativeDilateErodeFilter Seg3D::ActionIterativeDilateFilter Seg3D::ActionIterativeErodeFilter Seg3D::ActionMaskDataFilter Seg3D::ActionMeanFilter Seg3D::ActionMedianFilter Seg3D::ActionNeighborhoodConnectedFilter Seg3D::ActionNewMaskLayer Seg3D::ActionOrFilter Seg3D::ActionOtsuThresholdFilter Seg3D::ActionPadFilter Seg3D::ActionPaint Seg3D::ActionPaste Seg3D::ActionPermute Seg3D::ActionPointSetRegisterFilter Seg3D::ActionPointSetTransformFilter Seg3D::ActionPolyline Seg3D::ActionRefineGridFilter Seg3D::ActionRefineTranslateFilter Seg3D::ActionRemoveFilter Seg3D::ActionResample Seg3D::ActionSingleThreshold Seg3D::ActionSliceToSliceBruteFilter Seg3D::ActionSliceToSliceFilter Seg3D::ActionSliceToSliceGridFilter Seg3D::ActionSliceToVolumeFilter Seg3D::ActionSmoothDilateErodeFilter Seg3D::ActionSmoothDilateFilter Seg3D::ActionSmoothErodeFilter Seg3D::ActionSpeedline Seg3D::ActionThreshold Seg3D::ActionThresholdSegmentationLSFilter Seg3D::ActionTransform Seg3D::ActionXorFilter

Public Member Functions

void add_group_id (std::string &group_id)
void add_layer_id (std::string &layer_id)
void add_layer_id_list (std::vector< std::string > &layer_id_list)
virtual bool translate (Core::ActionContextHandle &context)
ProvenanceIDList get_input_provenance_ids ()
void set_output_provenance_ids (const ProvenanceIDList &provenance_ids)
ProvenanceID get_output_provenance_id (size_t index=0)
ProvenanceIDList get_output_provenance_ids (size_t num_provenance_ids=0)
void generate_output_provenance_ids (size_t num_provenance_ids)
std::string export_params_to_provenance_string (bool single_input=false) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Core::Action
virtual ActionInfoHandle get_action_info () const =0
std::string get_definition () const
 Get the definition of the action (in XML format)
std::string get_type () const
 Get the type of the action.
std::string get_usage () const
 Get a usage description.
std::string get_key (size_t index) const
 Get the name of the key with a certain index.
std::string get_default_key_value (size_t index) const
 Get the name of the key with a certain index.
int get_key_index (const std::string &name) const
 Get the index of a certain key.
bool is_undoable () const
 Check whether the action is undoable.
virtual bool changes_project_data ()
virtual bool validate (ActionContextHandle &context)=0
virtual bool run (ActionContextHandle &context, ActionResultHandle &result)=0
virtual void clear_cache ()
std::string export_to_string () const
bool import_from_string (const std::string &action, std::string &error)
bool import_from_string (const std::string &action)
 Same as function above, but without the error report.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Core::Action
template<class T >
void add_parameter (T &parameter)
void add_param (ActionParameterBase *parameter)
 Add a parameter to the internal structure of the action.
ActionParameterBaseget_param (size_t index) const
 Retrieve the parameter from the internal structure of the action.
const size_t num_params () const
 Number of parameter in this action.

Member Function Documentation

void Seg3D::LayerAction::add_group_id ( std::string &  group_id)

ADD_GROUP_ID Add group id as an input parameter NOTE: This will switch on provenance tracking

void Seg3D::LayerAction::add_layer_id ( std::string &  layer_id)

ADD_LAYER_ID Add layer id as an input parameter NOTE: This will switch on provenance tracking

void Seg3D::LayerAction::add_layer_id_list ( std::vector< std::string > &  layer_id_list)

ADD_LAYER_ID_LIST Add layer id lsit as an input parameter NOTE: This will switch on provenance tracking

std::string Seg3D::LayerAction::export_params_to_provenance_string ( bool  single_input = false) const

EXPORT_PARAMS_TO_PROVENANCE_STRING: Export the action parameters to a string and mark the provenance inputs with special placeholders.

void Seg3D::LayerAction::generate_output_provenance_ids ( size_t  num_provenance_ids)

GENERATE_OUTPUT_PROVENANCE_IDS: Generate all needed provenance ids

ProvenanceIDList Seg3D::LayerAction::get_input_provenance_ids ( )

NOTE: Dependency lists need to inserted into a ProvenanceRecord and hence this function can only be called from within run_layer_action or validate_layer_action GET_INPUT_PROVENANCE_IDS: Get the dependencies that this action is depending on

ProvenanceID Seg3D::LayerAction::get_output_provenance_id ( size_t  index = 0)

GET_OUTPUT_PROVENANCE_ID: Get the provenance id of output layer indexed by index. If no provenance id was assigned a new one is created

ProvenanceIDList Seg3D::LayerAction::get_output_provenance_ids ( size_t  num_provenance_ids = 0)

GET_OUTPUT_PROVENANCE_IDS: Get or create all the assigned provenance ids

void Seg3D::LayerAction::set_output_provenance_ids ( const ProvenanceIDList &  provenance_ids)

SET_OUTPUT_PROVENANCE_IDS: Set the output provenance ids

bool Seg3D::LayerAction::translate ( Core::ActionContextHandle &  context)

TRANSLATE: Some actions need to be translated before they can be validated. Translate takes care of most provenance related issue, by for example translating the provenance information into real action information. This function is called before validate NOTE: This function is not const and may alter the values of the parameters and correct faulty input.

Reimplemented from Core::Action.

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