Name |
shapeworks |
Source code
#pragma once
#include <itkPoint.h>
#include <itkVector.h>
#include <itkCovariantVector.h>
#include <itkMatrix.h>
#include <itkSize.h>
#include <itkIndex.h>
#include <itkAffineTransform.h>
#include <itkIdentityTransform.h>
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <vtkTransform.h>
#include <vtkPlane.h>
#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include <vtkDoubleArray.h>
namespace shapeworks {
const auto Pi = std::atan(1.0) * 4.0;
using Coord = itk::Index<3>;
using Dims = itk::Size<3>;
using Point3 = itk::Point<double, 3>;
using Vector3 = itk::Vector<double, 3>;
using Matrix44 = itk::Matrix<double, 4, 4>;
using Matrix33 = itk::Matrix<double, 3, 3>;
using IPoint3 = itk::Point<int, 3>;
using FPoint3 = itk::Point<float, 3>;
using Covariant = itk::CovariantVector<float, 3>;
using Vector = Vector3;
using Point = Point3;
using Matrix = Matrix33;
using Plane = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPlane>;
// While doubles are the most commonly stored items, vtkDataArray can store any
// type, yet has a default interface that conveniently stores and retrieves
// doubles. When required, one can convert a vtkDataArray to a vtkDoubleArray
// explicitly using `dynamic_cast<vtkDoubleArray*>(vtk_data_array)`.
using Array = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray>;
using Field = Array;
using PointArray = std::vector<Point3>;
Vector3 makeVector(std::array<double, 3>&& arr);
PointArray makePointArray(int size, Point3 value);
using GenericTransform = itk::Transform<double, 3>;
using IdentityTransform = itk::IdentityTransform<double, 3>;
using TransformPtr = GenericTransform::Pointer;
TransformPtr createTransform(const Matrix33 &mat, const Vector3 &translate = makeVector({0,0,0}));
Plane makePlane(const Point &p, const Vector3 &n);
Plane makePlane(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2);
Point getOrigin(const Plane plane);
Vector3 getNormal(const Plane plane);
using AffineTransform = itk::AffineTransform<double, 3>;
using AffineTransformPtr = AffineTransform::Pointer;
using MeshTransform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>;
MeshTransform createMeshTransform(const vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> &mat);
Point toPoint(const Dims &d);
Point toPoint(const Coord &c);
Vector toVector(const Dims &d);
Vector toVector(const Point &p);
Vector toVector(const itk::CovariantVector<double, 3> &v);
Point toPoint(const Vector &v);
Coord toCoord(const Dims &d);
Dims toDims(const Coord &c);
Dims toDims(const Point &p);
Coord toCoord(const Point &p);
template<typename P>
P negate(const P &p) { return P({-p[0], -p[1], -p[2]}); }
Vector3 negate(const Vector3 &v);
template<typename P>
P invertValue(const P &p) { return P({1.0/p[0], 1.0/p[1], 1.0/p[2]}); }
Vector3 invertValue(const Vector3 &v);
Vector3 dotProduct(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
Vector3 crossProduct(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
double length(const Vector3 &v);
enum Axis { invalid = -1, X, Y, Z };
Axis toAxis(const std::string &str);
std::string axisToString(Axis axis);
bool axis_is_valid(const Vector3 &axis);
bool axis_is_valid(const Axis &axis);
double degToRad(const double deg);
double mean(const Field field);
double stddev(const Field field);
std::vector<double> range(const Field field);
class Image;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P operator+(const P &p, const P &q)
P ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret[i] = p[i] + q[i];
return ret;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P operator-(const P &p, const P &q)
P ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret[i] = p[i] - q[i];
return ret;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Vector, P>::value || // use operator*(v0, v1); (or call dotProduct)
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P operator*(const P &p, const P &q)
P ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret[i] = p[i] * q[i];
return ret;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Vector, P>::value || // use operator/(v0, v1);
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P operator/(const P &p, const P &q)
P ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret[i] = p[i] / q[i];
return ret;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P& operator+=(P &p, const P &q)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
p[i] += q[i];
return p;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P& operator-=(P &p, const P &q)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
p[i] -= q[i];
return p;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P operator*(const P &p, const double x)
P ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret[i] = p[i] * x;
return std::move(ret);
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P operator/(const P &p, const double x)
P ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret[i] = p[i] / x;
return std::move(ret);
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P& operator*=(P &p, const double x)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
p[i] *= x;
return p;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
P& operator/=(P &p, const double x)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
p[i] /= x;
return p;
template<typename T>
bool epsEqual(T a, T b, T epsilon)
return std::abs(a-b) < epsilon;
template<typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Image, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Coord, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Dims, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Vector, P>::value ||
std::is_same<Point, P>::value ||
std::is_same<IPoint3, P>::value ||
std::is_same<FPoint3, P>::value> >
bool epsEqual(const P &a, const P &b, const typename P::ValueType &eps)
return std::abs(a[0]-b[0]) < eps && std::abs(a[1]-b[1]) < eps && std::abs(a[2]-b[2]) < eps;
bool epsEqual(double a, double b, double eps);
template<typename T>
T clamp(T value, T min, T max) {
value = std::min<T>(value, max);
value = std::max<T>(value, min);
return value;
} // shapeworks
Updated on 2022-07-23 at 16:40:07 -0600