Seg3D  2.4
Seg3D is a free volume segmentation and processing tool developed by the NIH Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing at the University of Utah Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute.
the_aa_bbox_t Member List

This is the complete list of members for the_aa_bbox_t, including all inherited members.

center() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
clamp(const the_aa_bbox_t &confines) (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
clamped(const the_aa_bbox_t &confines) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
clear() (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
contains(const p3x1_t &pt, bool &contained_in_x, bool &contained_in_y, bool &contained_in_z) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
contains(const p3x1_t &pt) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
contains(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
corners(p3x1_t *corner_array) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
diameter() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
dump(ostream &strm) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
intersects(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
intersects_ray(const p3x1_t &o, const v3x1_t &d, float &t_min, float &t_max) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
is_empty() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
is_linear() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
is_planar() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
is_singular() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
is_spacial() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
largest_dimension() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
length(const unsigned int &axis_id) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
max_ (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
min_ (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
operator!=(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator*(const float &s) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator*=(const float &s) (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
operator+(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator+(const float &r) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator+=(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
operator+=(const float &r) (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
operator-(const float &r) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator-=(const float &r) (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator<(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
operator<<(const p3x1_t &pt)the_aa_bbox_t
operator==(const the_aa_bbox_t &bbox) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
radius(const p3x1_t &center) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
radius() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
radius(const p3x1_t &center, const unsigned int &axis_w_id) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
radius(const unsigned int &axis_w_id) const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
smallest_dimension() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_t
the_aa_bbox_t() (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline
volume() const (defined in the_aa_bbox_t)the_aa_bbox_tinline