#pragma once
#include "itkParticleEntropyGradientFunction.h"
#include "ParticleImageDomainWithGradients.h"
#include "ParticleImageDomainWithCurvature.h"
#include "itkParticleMeanCurvatureAttribute.h"
#include "itkCommand.h"
#include "itkParticleSurfaceNeighborhood.h"
namespace itk
template <class TGradientNumericType, unsigned int VDimension>
class ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction
: public ParticleEntropyGradientFunction<TGradientNumericType, VDimension>
typedef ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction Self;
typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
typedef ParticleEntropyGradientFunction<TGradientNumericType, VDimension> Superclass;
itkTypeMacro( ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction, ParticleEntropyGradientFunction);
typedef typename Superclass::GradientNumericType GradientNumericType;
typedef typename Superclass::ParticleSystemType ParticleSystemType;
typedef typename Superclass::VectorType VectorType;
typedef typename Superclass::PointType PointType;
typedef typename Superclass::GradientVectorType GradientVectorType;
typedef ParticleMeanCurvatureAttribute<TGradientNumericType, VDimension> MeanCurvatureCacheType;
typedef typename shapeworks::ParticleImageDomainWithCurvature<TGradientNumericType>::VnlMatrixType VnlMatrixType;
itkStaticConstMacro(Dimension, unsigned int, VDimension);
inline virtual VectorType Evaluate(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, const ParticleSystemType *c,
double& d) const
double e;
return this->Evaluate(a, b, c, d, e);
virtual VectorType Evaluate(unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystemType *,
double&, double & ) const;
virtual void BeforeEvaluate(unsigned int, unsigned int, const ParticleSystemType *);
inline virtual double Energy(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, const ParticleSystemType *c) const
double d, e;
this->Evaluate(a, b, c, d, e);
return e;
inline double ComputeKappa(double mc, unsigned int d) const
// Miriah code
// double myKappa = (1.0 + m_Rho * m_MeanCurvatureCache->operator[](
// this->GetDomainNumber())->operator[](idx) * (m_SamplesPerCurvature /
// twopi)) /
// ( m_SamplesPerCurvature * beta);
// First code
double maxmc = m_MeanCurvatureCache->GetMeanCurvature(d)
+ 2.0 * m_MeanCurvatureCache->GetCurvatureStandardDeviation(d);
double minmc = m_MeanCurvatureCache->GetMeanCurvature(d)
- 2.0 * m_MeanCurvatureCache->GetCurvatureStandardDeviation(d);
return 1.0 + m_Rho * (mc - minmc) / (maxmc - minmc);
// New sigmoid function
virtual void AfterIteration() { }
virtual void BeforeIteration()
// this->ComputeKappaValues();
virtual double EstimateSigma( unsigned int idx, unsigned int dom, const shapeworks::ParticleDomain *domain,
const PointType &pos, double initial_sigma, double precision, int &err, double &avgKappa) const;
// void ComputeKappaValues();
void SetMeanCurvatureCache( MeanCurvatureCacheType *s)
{ m_MeanCurvatureCache = s; }
MeanCurvatureCacheType *GetMeanCurvatureCache()
{ return m_MeanCurvatureCache.GetPointer(); }
const MeanCurvatureCacheType *GetMeanCurvatureCache() const
{ return m_MeanCurvatureCache.GetPointer(); }
// void SetGamma(double g)
// { m_Gamma = g; }
// void SetBeta(double g)
// { m_Beta = g; }
// void SetCurvatureScale(double g)
// { m_CurvatureScale = g; }
// void SetSamplesPerCurvature(double g)
// { m_SamplesPerCurvature = g; }
void SetRho(double g)
{ m_Rho= g; }
// double GetGamma() const
// { return m_Gamma; }
// double GetBeta() const
// { return m_Beta; }
// double GetCurvatureScale() const
// { return m_CurvatureScale; }
// double GetSamplesPerCurvature() const
// { return m_SamplesPerCurvature; }
double GetRho() const
{ return m_Rho; }
void SetSharedBoundaryWeight(double w) {
m_SharedBoundaryWeight = w;
double GetSharedBoundaryWeight() const {
return m_SharedBoundaryWeight;
void SetSharedBoundaryEnabled(bool enabled) {
m_IsSharedBoundaryEnabled = enabled;
bool GetSharedBoundaryEnabled() const {
return m_IsSharedBoundaryEnabled;
virtual typename ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer Clone()
// todo Do we really need to clone all of this?
typename ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction<TGradientNumericType, VDimension>::Pointer copy = ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction<TGradientNumericType, VDimension>::New();
copy->m_Counter = this->m_Counter;
copy->m_Rho = this->m_Rho;
copy->m_avgKappa = this->m_avgKappa;
copy->m_IsSharedBoundaryEnabled = this->m_IsSharedBoundaryEnabled;
copy->m_SharedBoundaryWeight = this->m_SharedBoundaryWeight;
copy->m_CurrentSigma = this->m_CurrentSigma;
copy->m_CurrentNeighborhood = this->m_CurrentNeighborhood;
copy->m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius = this->m_MinimumNeighborhoodRadius;
copy->m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius = this->m_MaximumNeighborhoodRadius;
copy->m_FlatCutoff = this->m_FlatCutoff;
copy->m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio = this->m_NeighborhoodToSigmaRatio;
copy->m_SpatialSigmaCache = this->m_SpatialSigmaCache;
copy->m_MeanCurvatureCache = this->m_MeanCurvatureCache;
copy->m_DomainNumber = this->m_DomainNumber;
copy->m_ParticleSystem = this->m_ParticleSystem;
return (typename ParticleVectorFunction<VDimension>::Pointer)copy;
ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction() : m_Counter(0),
m_Rho(1.0) {}
virtual ~ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction() {}
void operator=(const ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction &);
ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction(const ParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction &);
typename MeanCurvatureCacheType::Pointer m_MeanCurvatureCache;
// double m_Gamma;
// double m_Beta;
// double m_CurvatureScale;
// double m_SamplesPerCurvature;
unsigned int m_Counter;
double m_Rho;
double m_avgKappa;
bool m_IsSharedBoundaryEnabled{false};
double m_SharedBoundaryWeight{1.0};
double m_CurrentSigma;
struct CrossDomainNeighborhood {
ParticlePointIndexPair<3> pi_pair;
double weight;
double distance;
int dom;
CrossDomainNeighborhood(const ParticlePointIndexPair<3>& pi_pair_,
double weight_,
double distance_,
int dom_) : pi_pair(pi_pair_), weight(weight_), distance(distance_), dom(dom_) {
std::vector<CrossDomainNeighborhood> m_CurrentNeighborhood;
void UpdateNeighborhood(const PointType& pos, int idx, int d, double radius, const ParticleSystemType* system) {
const auto domains_per_shape = system->GetDomainsPerShape();
const auto domain_base = d / domains_per_shape;
const auto domain_sub = d % domains_per_shape;
for(int offset=0; offset<domains_per_shape; offset++) {
const auto domain_t = domain_base*domains_per_shape + offset;
const auto neighborhood_ = system->GetNeighborhood(domain_t).GetPointer();
using ImageType = itk::Image<float, Dimension>;
auto neighborhood__ = dynamic_cast<const ParticleSurfaceNeighborhood<ImageType>*>(neighborhood_);
// unfortunately required because we need to mutate the cosine weighting state
auto neighborhood = const_cast<ParticleSurfaceNeighborhood<ImageType>*>(neighborhood__);
if(!m_IsSharedBoundaryEnabled && domain_t != d) {
const bool this_is_contour = system->GetDomain(d)->GetDomainType() == shapeworks::DomainType::Contour;
if(this_is_contour && domain_t != d) {
const bool other_is_contour = system->GetDomain(domain_t)->GetDomainType() == shapeworks::DomainType::Contour;
if(!other_is_contour && domain_t != d) {
// Sampling term is only computed if:
// * Both domains are the same
// * This is not a contour, but the other domain is a contour
std::vector<double> weights;
std::vector<double> distances;
std::vector<ParticlePointIndexPair<3>> res;
if(domain_t == d) {
// same domain
res = neighborhood->FindNeighborhoodPoints(pos, idx, weights, distances, radius);
} else {
// cross domain
bool weighting_state = neighborhood->IsWeightingEnabled();
// Disable cosine-falloff weighting for cross-domain sampling term. Contours don't have normals.
res = neighborhood->FindNeighborhoodPoints(pos, -1, weights, distances, radius);
assert(weights.size() == distances.size() && res.size() == weights.size());
// todo should avoid this copy. requires changing way too many APIs
for(int i=0; i<res.size(); i++) {
const double weight = domain_t == d ? weights[i] : m_SharedBoundaryWeight;
float m_MaxMoveFactor;
} //end namespace
#include "itkParticleCurvatureEntropyGradientFunction.txx"